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Four Steps to Effective Virtual Classroom Training by Ruth Clark : Learning Solutions Magazine
Four Steps to Effective Virtual Classroom Training by Ruth Clark : Learning Solutions Magazine
Four-step model by Ruth Clark on designing for synchronous online training via Elluminate etc. The article is from 2005 and has nothing earth shattering if you've been doing this a while, but it's a solid introduction to how to use the tools effectively and blend synchronous learning with other forms.
Four Steps to Effective Virtual Classroom Training by Ruth Clark : Learning Solutions Magazine
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better

According to a meta-analysis by the US Department of Education, face-to-face courses are less effective than online and blended learning. They caution against viewing this as simply a matter of the medium though. It's the changes in what online and blended learning allow (like opportunities for collaboration) that are likely making the difference.

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The meta-analysis findings do not support simply putting an existing course online, but they do support redesigning instruction to incorporate additional learning opportunities online.
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better
E-Learning Queen: The Best Way to Learn in an Online Course
E-Learning Queen: The Best Way to Learn in an Online Course
Advice for online learners to get the most out of their courses. Includes cognitive, behavioral, and self-regulation strategies. Even though this is geared towards learners, instructional designers can also benefit from thinking about how to teach and model these strategies.
E-Learning Queen: The Best Way to Learn in an Online Course
Introductory Course Makeovers
Introductory Course Makeovers
<p>The models stress online assessment that provides immediate feedback to instructors. Administrators can monitor tests given to students before the course redesign and after to measure their subject knowledge.</p> <p>The idea, says Carol A. Twigg, president and chief executive of NCAT, is to structure courses so that both student and instructor time is best used.</p>
NCAT has identified several <a href="" target="_blank">redesign models</a>, all of which adhere to the principle that students need more than just traditional lectures.
Introductory Course Makeovers