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How to Copy Text from Flash Courses When You Don't have the Original File | The Rapid E-Learning Blog
How to Copy Text from Flash Courses When You Don't have the Original File | The Rapid E-Learning Blog
Images and audio files are relatively easy to recover from a published SCORM package, but text is hard to get from courses if they were published in Flash only. This shows two methods for using OCR to get text from Flash images.
How to Copy Text from Flash Courses When You Don't have the Original File | The Rapid E-Learning Blog
Extract content from SCORM package - Building Better Courses Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
Extract content from SCORM package - Building Better Courses Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
I'm bookmarking this for Matthew Bibby's reply. If you have only the published SCORM files for a course published in Storyline 3 or 360, you can use this Javascript code snippet to select the onscreen text. That at least lets you copy and paste rather than retyping everything.
<p>If the course was published with SL3 or SL360 then dropping this code in the JS console will allow you to select the text onscreen (so it can be copied):</p> <pre>document.querySelectorAll('text').forEach(node =&gt; {<br> = 'all';<br> = 'all'<br>});</pre> <p><a href="" target="_blank">This article</a>&nbsp;may also be helpful.</p>
Extract content from SCORM package - Building Better Courses Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
How to Update an Old Course Without the Source Files
How to Update an Old Course Without the Source Files
With the impending demise of Flash, organizations will need to upgrade their libraries of old Flash elearning to HTML5. If you can't recreate them from scratch, Tom Kuhlmann shares this method using screen captures to quickly convert old courses. You still have to manually add interactions, but you can bring in a lot of content as screen capture images.
How to Update an Old Course Without the Source Files
UMapper / Home
UMapper / Home
Create Flash-based interactive maps with points of interest marked. Some facilitators have asked about a way to create a map of where students are to help build a sense of community in an online class; this looks like it might work for that purpose.
UMapper / Home
Adobe - Developer Center : Using animations to extend Adobe Captivate for right-click capability
Adobe - Developer Center : Using animations to extend Adobe Captivate for right-click capability
It's always been irritating when creating software demos in Captivate that you can't ask users to right click. I've always just animated those actions and done a demo before, but this tutorial shows a way to actually have users do the right click and even score it. The Flash file to embed is included with the tutorial.
Adobe - Developer Center : Using animations to extend Adobe Captivate for right-click capability