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Game On: 6 tips for choice design in branching scenarios - Issuu
Game On: 6 tips for choice design in branching scenarios - Issuu
Miranda Verswijvelen's article for Dirtyword magazine on choice design in branching scenarios. Lots of tips here based on designing game narratives and interactive fiction. I disagree with her point about not starting with the ideal path for writing (although she acknowledges that may make sense for beginners when you're learning how to write scenarios). For game design, I think she's right. For training design, there is typically an ideal path we want people to take. Good to read some thoughtful criticism though, and I love Miranda's work.
Excellent choice design will increase the engagement of your learners in the story, intrigue them about consequences and entice them to replay to check out other paths.
Choices in branching scenarios consist of three closely interconnected parts:Framing: the information the learner uses to make the choiceOptions: the possible choicesOutcomes: what happens due to choosing one of the options.
Choices can offer diverse acceptable ways to achieve the same goal, giving learners opportunity to personalise the experience.
An extra path can also replace boring “try again” situations: the consequence shows your choice was not ideal, but you simply continue and get another chance further in the story to make a better informed, similar choice.
Clear and confined parameters help to make the choice feel integral to the context, while still leaving room for personal expression and emotional connection.
One of my favourite narrative designers, Jon Ingold from Inkle Studios, introduced the accept – reject – deflect model. For example, in a conversational choice where someone asks you a question, this could mean the following:Accept: continue the current conversation, e.g. simply answer the questionReject: react negatively or refuse to answer. Deflect: change the topic, e.g. ignore, bounce a question back or refocus attention
Game On: 6 tips for choice design in branching scenarios - Issuu
Designing game-inspired narratives for learning
Designing game-inspired narratives for learning
Conference paper by Miranda Verswijvelen, Ricardo Sosa, and Nataly Martini on what we can learn from how game designers write narratives and apply that to scenario-based learning.
This study turns for guidance to the expertise of narrative designers for games, where storytelling for interactive narrative has a long history of testing, iterating and perfecting. A collection of proven techniques described by game narrative practitioners will inform creative writing efforts to craft prototypes to test the transferability of those techniques to interactive narratives in a healthcare education context.
Designing game-inspired narratives for learning
Video Game Secrets - BIANCA WOODS
Video Game Secrets - BIANCA WOODS
Slides from Bianca Woods's presentation on "The Secrets Video Games Can Teach L&D About Crafting Scenarios and Simulations That Work." I didn't attend the session, but the slides and references to the games used as inspiration are still useful.
Video Game Secrets - BIANCA WOODS
6 Things Video Games Can Teach You About Writing Engaging Scenarios - E-Learning Heroes
6 Things Video Games Can Teach You About Writing Engaging Scenarios - E-Learning Heroes
Tips for writing engaging scenarios, plus examples from specific games
Now, this isn’t to say your scenario’s aesthetics are meaningless. It’s more that if you have a limited amount of time and resources, it’s best to focus on crafting the story and keep the look and feel simple.
<p>When it doesn’t take much thinking to identify the correct choice, it quickly becomes boring.</p> <p>Instead, it’s better to give your audience challenging yet realistic decisions to ponder. Things that make them think hard about what the best option could be. </p>
So what’s the best way to avoid clunky 90’s video game dialogue in your scenarios? Read your script out loud as you’re drafting it. If it sounds weird as you say it, that’s a good sign that it could use reworking.
Fun is a crucial part of what makes game-like experiences like scenarios so engaging. Just make sure that the majority of the fun serves to reinforce the project’s learning goals.
6 Things Video Games Can Teach You About Writing Engaging Scenarios - E-Learning Heroes
Chat Mapper
Chat Mapper
Tool for developing branching dialogue. It's designed for both video games and training. There are more features here than what I would need for most scenario-based training I develop, but for something complex this would be a great way to create and test a conversation. It also exports to a very clean screenplay for actors. The free version is only for personal use, but the Indie license is only $60 and would be worth it for a complex enough project. I can usually keep it all straight in my own head in Word, but I've had problems getting actors and developers to understand how the pieces fit together. The simulated dialog might be enough to help others see the flow.
Chat Mapper