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How [not] to Design an Online Course | online learning insights
How [not] to Design an Online Course | online learning insights
5 common mistakes faculty make when converting courses to online
Use the same face-to-face course syllabus
<em>Implement </em><em>Course grading that relies heavily on exam assessments</em>
Assignments that lack detailed instructions
<em>Utilize the same </em><em>course materials as used in F2F class</em>
Underestimate the amount of time needed for course transition
How [not] to Design an Online Course | online learning insights
Sakai Pilot Evaluation Final Report
Sakai Pilot Evaluation Final Report

UNC report on their pilot of Sakai as a replacement for Blackboard. Quote from a faculty member in the report: "Have heard many complaints about Blackboard being kludgy. Sakai is graceful."

The minimal support needed is a good sign of Sakai's overall usability: "First, of the more than 1,000 people using a completely new collaborative learning environment for almost a full year period, we had a total of 264 tickets—the vast majority of which (74%) were for requests to use the system (new sites and new user accounts)...In summary, from a support perspective, 54 substantive help requests on behalf of more than 1,000 pilot participants over a nearly one-year period was a very positive finding."

Sakai Pilot Evaluation Final Report
You call this Academic Honesty? | Webb of Thoughts
You call this Academic Honesty? | Webb of Thoughts
Great example of why I get so frustrated when I hear people complaining about how terrible it is that students copy and paste content. I'd like to see the teachers and professors stop using uncited content themselves first; I see a lot more problems with people with graduate degrees. This lecturer on effective writing plagiarized content for handouts while simultaneously admonishing students to not plagiarize.
You call this Academic Honesty? | Webb of Thoughts
Online education horror stories worthy of Halloween: A short list of problems and solutions in online instruction
Online education horror stories worthy of Halloween: A short list of problems and solutions in online instruction

Horror stories from online education. The article is from 2001, but the information on volatile students and online conflict is still very relevant. Some of the characteristics of problem students discussed in this higher ed context would be just as applicable in corporate training.

"We have noticed that volatile students manifest clear symptoms: (a) a low frustration threshold, (b) a sense that they are victims of technology or other peoples' lack of understanding and (c) a tendency to overstate problems, overreact to them, and lash out."

Online education horror stories worthy of Halloween: A short list of problems and solutions in online instruction
eLearn: Best Practices - Discussion Management Tips for Online Educators
eLearn: Best Practices - Discussion Management Tips for Online Educators
Tips for online facilitators, especially relevant for those used to teaching in a physical classroom who are moving online. Good practical stuff here like saving some of your best stories to re-energize students when motivation is lagging late in the course and preparing discussion questions and replies in advance.
eLearn: Best Practices - Discussion Management Tips for Online Educators
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better

According to a meta-analysis by the US Department of Education, face-to-face courses are less effective than online and blended learning. They caution against viewing this as simply a matter of the medium though. It's the changes in what online and blended learning allow (like opportunities for collaboration) that are likely making the difference.

Direct link to PDF:

The meta-analysis findings do not support simply putting an existing course online, but they do support redesigning instruction to incorporate additional learning opportunities online.
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better
Wired Campus: Electronic Portfolios: a Path to the Future of Learning -
Wired Campus: Electronic Portfolios: a Path to the Future of Learning -
Argument for the use of electronic portfolios as a more student-centered assessment of learning
If we truly want to advance from a focus on teaching to a focus on student learning, then a strategy involving something like electronic student portfolios, or ePortfolios, is essential.
Wired Campus: Electronic Portfolios: a Path to the Future of Learning -
Only for MY Kid
Only for MY Kid
1998 article by Alfie Kohn on barriers to progressive changes in education, with some proposals for better approaches for working with parents to help them see the benefits
McClaren, who looks back on what happened from his new post several states away, says he made "two fatal assumptions" when he started: "I thought if it was good for kids, everyone would embrace it, and I thought all adults wanted all kids to be successful. That's not true. The people who receive status from their kids' performing well in school didn't like that other kids' performance might be raised to the level of their own kids'."
Only for MY Kid
Inside Higher Ed: The Impact of Dropping the SAT
Inside Higher Ed: The Impact of Dropping the SAT
Want to improve diversity at a college without spending a lot of money? Drop the requirement for SAT or ACT as part of admissions.
These models suggest that any move away from the SAT or ACT in competitive colleges results in significant gains in ethnic and economic diversity. But the gains are greater for colleges that drop testing entirely, as opposed to just making it optional.
The findings appear to confirm what SAT critics have said for years: that reliance on the SAT in college admissions favors applicants who are white and/or wealthier than other applicants.
Inside Higher Ed: The Impact of Dropping the SAT
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
George Siemens and Peter Tittenberger have created this wiki handbook for educators who want to incorporate technology into learning. Looks at how and why change is happening in education and how technology can help meet the educational needs of a changing world.
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
sciencegeekgirl » The burden of proof: What does education research really tell us?
sciencegeekgirl » The burden of proof: What does education research really tell us?
Looking at the resistance to change in education even when research supports certain strategies (like active learning). Educators resist using new teaching methods when they don't feel the research matches up with their personal experience. Education research isn't the same as pure scientific research in a lab where everything can be controlled, but if there is some repeatability in multiple contexts, isn't that educational research onto something?
sciencegeekgirl » The burden of proof: What does education research really tell us?
UWM online psych students outperform those in lecture hall class - JSOnline
UWM online psych students outperform those in lecture hall class - JSOnline
Comparison of online version of an introductory psych class to the traditional large lecture format. Not surprisingly, when students can work at their own pace and get individualized support, they do better than passive students in a lecture with several hundred other students. The most interesting part about these results to me is that traditionally disadvantaged students were most helped by learning online.
<p>Professor Diane Reddy has replaced the traditional lecture format with an online version of Psych 101. Students learn at their own pace but also have to obtain mastery, demonstrated by passing a quiz on each unit, before they can move on to the next.</p> <p>Along the way, students get help from teaching assistants who monitor their online activity, identifying weak spots and providing advice - even if the students don't seek it.</p> <p>Initial evidence says it works: In a study of 5,000 students over two years, U-Pace students performed 12% better on the same cumulative test than students who took traditional Psych 101 with the same textbook and course content, even though U-Pace students had lower average grades than those in the conventional course.</p> <p>The online model, the study found, was particularly successful for disadvantaged or underprepared students - low-income students, racial and ethnic minorities, and those with low grades or ACT scores. And students in general do better in the class, too, earning a higher percentage of As and Bs than students earn in traditional Psych 101.</p>
UWM online psych students outperform those in lecture hall class - JSOnline
An absolutely riveting online course: Nine principles for excellence in web-based teaching
An absolutely riveting online course: Nine principles for excellence in web-based teaching
Not a whole lot new to me here, but a solid collection of principles to guide online facilitators. If you're looking for an introduction for facilitators or administrators who aren't familiar with online learning or don't really "get" why you can't just shovel face-to-face content into an LMS to have a great course, this would be a good way to help show what's required to go beyond the mediocrity typical of many online courses.
<h3>Principle 1: The online world is a medium unto itself. </h3> <p> The search for excellence begins with this principle: The online world is a medium unto itself (Carr-Chellman &amp; Duchastel, 2000; Ellis &amp; Hafner, 2003). It is not just another learning environment, like a separate classroom down the hall; it is a categorically different learning environment. There are vastly different dynamics in online versus on campus courses.</p>
Principle 2: In the online world content is a verb.
We are moving to a mode of learning that is less dependent on information acquisition and is more centered on a set of student tasks and assignments that make up the learning experiences that students will engage in, in order to meet the objectives of the course (Carr-Chellman &amp; Duchastel, 2000). In the online world, content is a verb.
Principle 5: Sense of community and social presence are essential to online excellence.
Establishing a sense of community often signals movement to a deeper learning experience (Benfield, 2001). It is through sustained communication that participants construct meaning (Garrison, et al., 2000) and come to a more complete understanding of the content. Indeed it is through such interaction and through attending to the processes of learning and teaching (as opposed to attending only to content) that a deeper rather than a surface approach to learning is encouraged (Ramsden, 2003). Without this connection to the instructor and the other students, the course is little more than a series of exercises to be completed.
Principle 7: A great web interface will not save a poor course; but a poor web interface will destroy a potentially great course.
Principle 8: Excellence comes from ongoing assessment and refinement.
An absolutely riveting online course: Nine principles for excellence in web-based teaching