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Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better

According to a meta-analysis by the US Department of Education, face-to-face courses are less effective than online and blended learning. They caution against viewing this as simply a matter of the medium though. It's the changes in what online and blended learning allow (like opportunities for collaboration) that are likely making the difference.

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The meta-analysis findings do not support simply putting an existing course online, but they do support redesigning instruction to incorporate additional learning opportunities online.
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better
sciencegeekgirl » The burden of proof: What does education research really tell us?
sciencegeekgirl » The burden of proof: What does education research really tell us?
Looking at the resistance to change in education even when research supports certain strategies (like active learning). Educators resist using new teaching methods when they don't feel the research matches up with their personal experience. Education research isn't the same as pure scientific research in a lab where everything can be controlled, but if there is some repeatability in multiple contexts, isn't that educational research onto something?
sciencegeekgirl » The burden of proof: What does education research really tell us?