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How to Copy Text from Flash Courses When You Don't have the Original File | The Rapid E-Learning Blog
How to Copy Text from Flash Courses When You Don't have the Original File | The Rapid E-Learning Blog
Images and audio files are relatively easy to recover from a published SCORM package, but text is hard to get from courses if they were published in Flash only. This shows two methods for using OCR to get text from Flash images.
How to Copy Text from Flash Courses When You Don't have the Original File | The Rapid E-Learning Blog
Extract content from SCORM package - Building Better Courses Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
Extract content from SCORM package - Building Better Courses Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
I'm bookmarking this for Matthew Bibby's reply. If you have only the published SCORM files for a course published in Storyline 3 or 360, you can use this Javascript code snippet to select the onscreen text. That at least lets you copy and paste rather than retyping everything.
<p>If the course was published with SL3 or SL360 then dropping this code in the JS console will allow you to select the text onscreen (so it can be copied):</p> <pre>document.querySelectorAll('text').forEach(node =&gt; {<br> = 'all';<br> = 'all'<br>});</pre> <p><a href="" target="_blank">This article</a>&nbsp;may also be helpful.</p>
Extract content from SCORM package - Building Better Courses Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
How to Update an Old Course Without the Source Files
How to Update an Old Course Without the Source Files
With the impending demise of Flash, organizations will need to upgrade their libraries of old Flash elearning to HTML5. If you can't recreate them from scratch, Tom Kuhlmann shares this method using screen captures to quickly convert old courses. You still have to manually add interactions, but you can bring in a lot of content as screen capture images.
How to Update an Old Course Without the Source Files
Custom HTML5 timeline for Articulate Storyline 360
Custom HTML5 timeline for Articulate Storyline 360
Create a custom seekbar with a web object in Storyline. Only works for HTML5, not Flash. Download their widget for free and use it as a web object on any slide where you need a seekbar. Note: it's free, but you have to share the post on social media in order to download it.
Custom HTML5 timeline for Articulate Storyline 360
How To Choose An Authoring Tool For Your HTML eLearning Development | The Upside Learning Blog
How To Choose An Authoring Tool For Your HTML eLearning Development | The Upside Learning Blog
Comparison of Lectora, Storyline, and Captivate. Some good details I haven't seen elsewhere, like how each program loads the framework and content and how that affects performance. A few inaccuracies (you can still create a non-ADA compliant course in Lectora even if you check the 508 box, for example).
How To Choose An Authoring Tool For Your HTML eLearning Development | The Upside Learning Blog