Angela Maiers Educational Services: Personal Branding and Education - Thoughts on "Me 2.0"
A discussion of personal branding and its connections to education, arguing that being able to demonstrate your talents and passions is a 21st century skill
Speaking from both his head and heart, Dan makes he compelling case that it is <strong>no longer is it enough to show that you are great, you have to show why you are a great</strong> match for a culture and brand of the company you want to work for. You have to be able to sell yourself, your talents, your passions, your uniqueness. (<a href="">Aren't these Key 21st Century Skills?</a>)
The 6 Levels of Engagement in Online Conversations | Lateral Action
A framework for thinking about the depth and value of online conversations. It's easy to have mindless, shallow conversations; it takes more work and creativity to have relevant conversations that show who you really are.
Seven Habits of Highly Connected People ~ Stephen's Web ~ by Stephen Downes
A riff on Stephen Covey for living, working, and communicating in a highly connected world. Not just the intuitive common-sense advice you see other places--who else would advise you to quit wasting time playing phone tag offline when you could spend that time making real connections online?
The idea behind "being yourself" is not that you have some sort of offline life (though you may). Rather, it's a recognition that your online life encompasses the many different facets of your life, and that it is important that these facets are all represented and work together.
The Bamboo Project Blog: Using to Create an Easy, Always Updated Online Portfolio
Create a specific tag for your portfolio and have an easy-to-update page for your content. It's not pretty, but it is easier to keep current. You could build on this idea by posting the RSS feed from your custom tag to another site where you could control the look and feel.
The Bamboo Project Blog: Dump Your Resume--Build a Reputation Instead
Even perfect resumes won't always get interviews, according to a recent small-scale experiment. So what do you do instead? Build your reputation online, create an identity for yourself, and develop your online portfolio.
Study: Googling Oneself Is More Popular --
Interesting stats on looking up yourself, friends, and others through search engines. Most people say they aren't concerned about the information available about them online and that it is accurate. The low number of people reporting negative experiences from online information was a surprise to me--the fears about transparency don't seem to be backed up with data.
Few Internet users say they Google themselves regularly -- about three-quarters of self-searchers say they have done so only once or twice. And most who have done so consider what they find accurate. Only 4 percent of Internet users said embarrassing or inaccurate information online resulted in a bad experience.
Half an Hour: Should All Learning Professionals be Blogging?
What can you know about a profcessional who doesn't blog his or her work? How do you know they are competent, that they have the respect of their peers, that they understand the issues, that they practice sound methodology, that they show consideration for their clients? You cannot know any of this without the openness blogging (or equivalent) provides. Which means, once a substantial number begin to share, there will be increasing pressure on all to share.