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Information to Miniscenarios - Learnlets
Information to Miniscenarios - Learnlets
Clark Quinn digs into the process of mapping information from SMEs into miniscenarios for assessment. This is about what information you need to get from SMEs (context, decisions, misconceptions, consequences, models for good performance). Those aspects of the information are then maps to parts of the miniscenario (e.g., misconceptions become wrong answers).
So, first, let’s talk about the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">structure</a> of a mini-scenario. I’ve suggested that it’s an initial context or story, in which a situation precipitates the need for a decision. There’s the right one, and then alternatives. Not random or silly ones, but ones that represent ways in which learners reliably go wrong. There’s also feedback, which is best as story-based consequences first, then actual conceptual feedback.
Miniscenarios aren’t necessarily the best practice, but they’re typically available in your authoring environment. &nbsp;Writing them isn’t necessarily as easy as generating typical recognition questions, but they more closely mimic the actual task, and therefore lead to better transfer.
Information to Miniscenarios - Learnlets