DYF’s “All Freelancer Marketing Strategies, Ranked” Master Database | Notion
A database with marketing strategies for freelancers, focused primarily on helping established freelancers and consultants grow their businesses. I'm hesitant to place too much stock in the exact percentages shown for each strategy, but the comparison of which strategies are good for which kinds of freelancers is useful. The notes on how long each strategy takes to be effective and how predictable they are are also helpful.
Answer the Public describes itself as a "Search listening tool for market, customer & content research." It's a way to see what search terms people enter about a particular topic or brand. If you're wondering what questions people have about a subject, this would give you data about what they search for online. You can only do one search per day for free; otherwise it's $99/month for unlimited searches (which only makes sense if you're doing a LOT of market research).
Marketing YOUR Freelance eLearning Business - YouTube
Ant Pugh on all the marketing tactics he tried when he started freelancing. One problem was that he had no overall strategy for his marketing, just a lot of tactics. The tactics that work for one person might not work for another because they don't fit the strategy.
How to pre sell your online course — and make it a success - Design Academy
This article explains how the author sold effectively a pilot version of her course at a discounted rate (and with some bonus coaching) before it launched. This method helped her have some income while she was spending time developing the course, rather than doing all the development before earning anything. There are some good tips here on email marketing and gathering information on audience needs too.
How To Create A Money-Making Online Course - Forbes
This isn't about instructional design--it's for SMEs who want to create courses on Udemy to share their expertise. I like the comparison used that creating a 2-3 hour online course takes about as much time as writing a book; that's a good metaphor, at least for an audience of experts with knowledge to sell.