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GitHub - doughahn/chat-souffle: A learning guild xAPI project helping learning designers practice prompt engineering.
GitHub - doughahn/chat-souffle: A learning guild xAPI project helping learning designers practice prompt engineering.
Twine project that reports to xAPI. This is way more technical than the projects I have done, but they definitely got Twine reporting to an LRS. The files are all available openly, and there's a wiki explaining the process. The scenario itself is about using ChatGPT for writing multiple choice assessments.
GitHub - doughahn/chat-souffle: A learning guild xAPI project helping learning designers practice prompt engineering.
AI, Instructional Design, and OER – improving learning
AI, Instructional Design, and OER – improving learning
I agree with the idea that AI and LLMs will make it much easier to create a first draft of content. I like the differentiation here between "informational resources" and "educational resources." Instructional designers will have easy access to basic informational resources through AI, so they can spend more time creating practice and feedback to create better learning experiences.
AI, Instructional Design, and OER – improving learning
Lesson plans – Teaching with Twine
Lesson plans – Teaching with Twine
This post includes lesson plans for teaching students how to use Twine, either in a single 50-minute session or in two days with extra time for practicing in the tool. These plans are a few years old, so a few details have changed, but the overall structure makes sense.
Lesson plans – Teaching with Twine
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion
This is a summary of a project at the University of Toronto using Twine to create an educational game, plus an overview of Twine.
Although Twine is a tool for creating “games”, this project goes beyond games and gamification to think creatively about how the functions of Twine can be used to create activities that allow students to more directly engage with learning content in a hands-on experiential format that may not be possible in a traditional classroom learning space.
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion
Knight Lab
Knight Lab
Free tools for creating VR stories, timelines, annotated maps and charts, image comparisons, and more. These are open source tools and may be a little clunky, but potentially worth exploring for short experiences. They're design more for journalists and media companies than training, but there's overlap in explainer journalism and elearning.
Knight Lab
Open Broadcaster Software®️ | OBS
Open Broadcaster Software®️ | OBS
Open source tool for live mixing video streaming. You can put a text overlay on top of a video, for example. You can also set up different scenes in advance so you can transition between different combos. This also has an audio mixer so you can adjust the volume between a shared video and your own microphone (or other inputs). It's compatible with other platforms, so you can use it with Zoom or whatever you're currently using for video conferencing or streaming.
Open Broadcaster Software®️ | OBS
9 Cheap Alternatives to Moodle for Small Businesses » Capterra Blog
9 Cheap Alternatives to Moodle for Small Businesses » Capterra Blog
LMS options besides Moodle if you don't want DIY, including pricing for each so you don't have to hunt for those figures. Totara is a flavor of Moodle from Kineo. Other options included in the list: CSB Learning, DigitalChalk, Docebo, eFront, Feathercap, Inquisiq R3, Latitude Learning, and Litmos.
9 Cheap Alternatives to Moodle for Small Businesses » Capterra Blog
Project Management for Instructional Designers
Project Management for Instructional Designers

Students in David Wiley's Project Management class remixed a textbook with an open license to customize it for instructional designers. They added new examples, photos, video interviews, and assessments. See the blog post for information on the project:

Moved to

Project Management for Instructional Designers
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal
Overview of open source LMS options with examples of districts currently using them. This article covers Moodle, Sakai, Canvas, OLAT, ATutor, and Google CloudCourse. I thought CloudCourse was owned by Google, but it appears the code has an Apache license. CloudCourse seems to be mostly scheduling rather than a full-fledged LMS.
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal
eFront: Top 10 Open Source e-Learning Projects to Watch for 2011
eFront: Top 10 Open Source e-Learning Projects to Watch for 2011
Great collection of open source e-learning projects and tools, including multimedia development, screen recording, Android app development, an LMS, and more. (Technically, some of these are Free, not Open Source, but still a valuable list.)
eFront: Top 10 Open Source e-Learning Projects to Watch for 2011
GDocBackup (fhtino)
GDocBackup (fhtino)
Open source Google Docs backup tool. It checks whether the Google Docs file already exists on your computer and if it's an older version and only downloads a backup copy if needed.
GDocBackup (fhtino)