Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement (pdf)
Whitepaper on electronic portfolios providing a background on the theory and research. Motivation, engagement, storytelling, and tools are also covered.
On Implementing Web-Based Electronic Portfolios (pdf)
2002 Educause article about using online portfolios. Some of the technical details are dated, but the checklist of "critical factors for successful implementation" is still a good resource
Wired Campus: Electronic Portfolios: a Path to the Future of Learning -
Argument for the use of electronic portfolios as a more student-centered assessment of learning
If we truly want to advance from a focus on teaching to a focus on student learning, then a strategy involving something like electronic student portfolios, or ePortfolios, is essential.
Looking at the differences between e-portfolios and assessment management systems. According to the author, assessment systems are more like traditional grading and are institution controlled rather than being student-centered portfolios.