8 Free Applications To Record Your Computer Screen | inspirationfeed.com
Multiple free options for screen recording. This is mostly about making videos for YouTube or similar sites, but these could be used for quick tutorials and demos in e-learning. I'm familiar with Screenr, Jing, and CamStudio, but not BSRSoft, XVidCap, EZVid, BB FlashBack Express, or Rylstim.
ActivePresenter is a screencast/simulation tool with some similar features to Captivate. The free version can do screencasts and export them to WMV, but not simulations in Flash. You can add captions and zoom and pan even with the free version.
eFront: Top 10 Open Source e-Learning Projects to Watch for 2011
Great collection of open source e-learning projects and tools, including multimedia development, screen recording, Android app development, an LMS, and more. (Technically, some of these are Free, not Open Source, but still a valuable list.)
Tutorial on how to create a glassy effect in Inkscape with gradients, an intersection shape for the highlight, and the dynamic offset. Includes explanations of why certain steps are done, especially when they aren't obvious.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: How to Make Wiki References
Screencast and directions for adding references in Wikispaces. Wikispaces references now work like Wikipedia, where you can add a reference and it creates a linked footnote.
A teacher uses Google Earth to teach students about the Mormon trail and how settlers traveled from Iowa to Utah. She explains how the technology allows students to experience something they wouldn't be able to without the technology. Summarizes how this activity meets principles for good technology use in the classroom.
<p>The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative's (ELI's) <em>7 Things You Should Know About...</em> series provides concise information on emerging learning technologies and related practices. Each brief focuses on a single technology or practice and describes:</p>
<li>What it is</li>
<li>How it works</li>
<li>Where it is going</li>
<li>Why it matters to teaching and learning</li></ul>
<b>The following's a list of Second Life tutorials.</b> This isn't meant to be a complete compilation, but specifically lists tutorials I've personally viewed and have found helpful. I (<a href="http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Torley_Linden" title="User:Torley Linden">Torley Linden</a>) started this with the intention of providing an easy-access resource for SL vidtuts, because currently (2007-02-27), they're scarce and hard-to-find.