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Questions Asked & Answered: Analysis and e-Learning Design
Questions Asked & Answered: Analysis and e-Learning Design
Ethan Edwards recaps a webinar he gave on "The 5 Most Important Analysis Questions You'll Ever Ask." Suggestions on how to get what you need from SMEs
<p><b>Questions:</b></p> <ol> <li>What do you expect learners to be able to DO after completing the course that they can’t do now?</li> <li>What are the consequences TO THE LEARNER if the learner fails to master the intended outcomes?</li> <li>Can you show me an active demonstration, a detailed simulation, or provide an opportunity to directly observe the desired performance?</li> <li>What specific performance mistakes do new learners regularly make?</li> <li>What tools, resources, job aids, or help do successful performers (or even experts) use to do these tasks?</li></ol>
Questions Asked & Answered: Analysis and e-Learning Design
Working with SMEs in elearning » Making Change
Working with SMEs in elearning » Making Change
Very practical tips for dealing with SMEs who want to dump lots of information and preserve their text-heavy PowerPoint slides
1. Read what they gave you.
2. Involve them from the beginning
3. Ask them to help identify what people need to do<br> and why they aren’t doing it
4. Ask them to help brainstorm activities and limit information
<p>If your SME keeps suggesting fact checks instead of more realistic decision-making activities, you might try the following questions:</p> <ul> <li>If a person doesn’t know that fact, what do they do wrong on the job? How would that affect our goal?</li> <li>How could you tell by watching me do my job that I know that bit of information?</li> <li>What mistakes do new people make?</li> <li>What mistakes do people make when they get over-confident?</li></ul>
This helps remind the SME that the only information that should go into the material is the info that’s <strong>required to perform the activities</strong>
Working with SMEs in elearning » Making Change
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
Wendy Wickham's liveblogged notes from Clark Quinn's presentation on Deeper Instructional Design. Lots of ideas in this post--create models that actually help people understand the content and recognize patterns, pay attention to motivation and emotion, give learners the least they need to get them to do what's needed, create learner-centered objectives instead of designer-centered objectives, use stories and active practice.
We can't "create" learning<br>- We can design environments conducive to learning.<br>- We design learning experiences.
Don't design CONTENT, design EXPERIENCES<br>- Design the "Flow".<br>- Start bringing in emotions and the actions they take
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design