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Twenty-two power laws of the emerging social economy | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Twenty-two power laws of the emerging social economy | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Power laws describing how networks and social networking work, some supported by research, some simply observations of human behavior
Amara’s Law (<a href="">backstory</a>) states that “<em>we tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.</em>”
<h2>11. Metcalfe’s Law</h2> <p>This was the original conception of network effects, whereby the potential value of a network grows exponentially according to its size.</p>
The fundamental definition of a <a href="">network effect</a> is “<em>when a product or service has more value the more that other people have it too.</em>”
In fact, the <a href="">Principle of Least Effort</a> notes that they will tend to use the most convenient method, in the least exacting way available, with interaction stopping as soon as minimally acceptable results are achieved. As a result, well-known social scientist <a href="">Clay Shirky notes</a> that the most “brutally simple” social model often is the most successful one (using Twitter as an example.)
<h2>Reed’s Law</h2> <p>Researcher David Reed <a href="">discovered that</a> the network effect of social systems is much higher than would otherwise be expected, helping to explain the sudden rise of social systems in the latter half of this decade. While adding a social architecture to a piece of software for no specific reason isn’t helpful either, it turns out that in general, software (and indeed, any networked system) is better the more social it is.</p>
Reflexivity asserts that social actions can and do in fact influence the fundamental behavior of a social system and that these newly-influenced set of fundamentals can then proceed to change expectations, thus influencing new behavior. The process continues in a self-reinforcing pattern.
Twenty-two power laws of the emerging social economy | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
"Living and Learning with Social Media"
"Living and Learning with Social Media"
danah boyd on implications of social media for education, focusing on teens
Youth engage with others to work out boundaries, to understand norms. This is how they learn power and authority, how they learn the networked architecture of everyday life. It's easy to eschew this, to argue that this is irrelevant, but most people spend a decent amount of their time working through social issues as a part of being an adult in this society. We talk about it as "politics" usually but it's about people. And teen years are where this is worked out.
Since we're using social network sites as a case study, let me point out one of the places where they FAIL miserably. On social network sites, you have to publicly list your Friends and you have to have the functioning network to leverage it. What happens if you're an outcast at school? Does bringing it into the classroom make it worse? What happens if you're forced to Friend someone who torments you because you share a class? And then you have to face that person in your "private" space online as well? Bringing social network sites into the classroom can be very very tricky because you have to contend with social factors that you, as a teacher, may not be aware of.
It's critical to realize that just because young folks pick up a technology before you do doesn't inherently mean that they understand it better than you do. Or that they have a way of putting it into context. What they're doing is not inherently more sophisticated – it's simply different. They're coming of age in a culture where these structures are just a given. They take them for granted. And they repurpose them to meet their needs. But they don't necessarily think about them.
Educators have a critical role when it comes to helping youth navigate social media. You can help them understand how to make sense of what they're seeing. We can call this "media literacy" or "digital literacy" or simply learning to live in a modern society. Youth need to know more than just how to use the tools - they need to understand the structures around them.
"Living and Learning with Social Media"
The Snack Bar | TechIntersect
The Snack Bar | TechIntersect
Tech companies can provide snacks for their employees without worrying that people will spend all day gorging themselves at the snack bar. So why don't companies and schools trust that if they give people access to social media that they won't spend all day on Facebook? I like the analogy here.
This issue is all about trust. Schools don’t trust students or teachers to do the right thing. Companies don’t trust employees. but the problem lies not with the technology, but with with setting expectations and ensuring those expectations are met. When a company blocks access to social media, it is blocking access to its own future growth and when a school blocks access to social media it is blocking access to a student’s future growth.
The Snack Bar | TechIntersect
The Bamboo Project Blog: Deconstructing the Work Literacy Learning Event
The Bamboo Project Blog: Deconstructing the Work Literacy Learning Event
Michele Martin debriefs the experience of teaching the Work Literacy online course via Ning. Several things they did were very successful. Ning was a good platform, even though it's intended as a social networking tool rather than a CMS. Explicitly saying that different levels of participation were acceptable meant that lurkers felt comfortable dipping in and out as legitimate perispheral participants. Was the course a success? It sounds like they all learned from the experience; to me, that means it's a success even if some aspects didn't work as they hoped.
The Bamboo Project Blog: Deconstructing the Work Literacy Learning Event
A Networked Life – Ton Zijlstra on Social Networking
A Networked Life – Ton Zijlstra on Social Networking
Full quote from Ton Zijlstra on information overload, in the original interview about the value of social media and networking
Information overload does not exist. Failing information strategies do exist. We were brought up with information strategies based on scarcity. We live in times of information abundance.
A Networked Life – Ton Zijlstra on Social Networking
'Socializing' the CMS
'Socializing' the CMS
The traditional CMS/LMS is designed for a more instructor-centered course, so the pedagogy of these courses reflects the technology. This article skims the surface of what might be possible if social networking tools, blogs, wikis, and more were used to construct courses and give students more control. What would that do to the pedagogy?
'Socializing' the CMS
Social networks 'teaching tech skills' -
Social networks 'teaching tech skills' -
Brief summary of research on the educational benefits of sites like MySpace and Facebook for high schoolers. Students self-report learning 21st century skills, although the study doesn't attempt to actually measure any of that learning.
When asked what they learn by using social networking sites, the students listed 'technology skills', followed by 'creativity', being 'open to new or diverse views' and 'communication skills'.
Social networks 'teaching tech skills' -
Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action
Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action
Exploring how social networking applications could be used to create a more social constructivist learning environment to support collaboration, creativity, and networking. (The author calls it "social learning theory" and contrasts it with "objectivist" learning, but never uses the phrase "social constructivism." Still, it seems like that's what she's describing.)
Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action
Take Your Résumé and Shove It - US News and World Report
Take Your Résumé and Shove It - US News and World Report
Interview with someone who did a successful search for employees using only social networking tools--no resume, no email allowed.
<strong>Is transparency one of the key benefits to this sort of job search?</strong> <br> Absolutely. I wanted the transparency. The problem with traditional résumé interviewing is it's so one-dimensional and it's so easy to paint yourself as something. If I can look at your social network, I can see much more. This took a level of trust for the people who were reaching out to me. But I did say that I'm a big enough boy, that I'm OK if you talked about partying or things that you do in your personal life. I want to know who you are. I'm a human being as well, and I don't care that you do things, because I expect that human beings would do these things.
Take Your Résumé and Shove It - US News and World Report
Top News - Tech encourages students' social skills
Top News - Tech encourages students' social skills
Using technology with kindergarteners and first graders to support social constructivist learning. Registration required to read the whole article.
Well-integrated technology opens social networks for students and allows children to develop key social skills, according to two recent studies conducted by researchers at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Top News - Tech encourages students' social skills
Blogging boosts your social life: research
Blogging boosts your social life: research
Social and emotional benefits of blogging include better social support networks and feel more part of a community.
<p>Bloggers reported a greater sense of belonging to a group of like-minded people and feeling more confident they could rely on others for help.</p> <p>All respondents, whether or not they blogged, reported feeling less anxious, depressed and stressed after two months of online social networking.</p>
Blogging boosts your social life: research
Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace! | Students |
Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace! | Students |
Online spaces are blurring, as universities that podcast and text their students have shown. The Jisc project manager, Lawrie Phipps, explains how the battle lines are being drawn: "Students really do want to keep their lives separate. They don't want to be always available to their lecturers or bombarded with academic information."
Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace! | Students |