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Whatever You Do, Don’t Drop Practice | Tom Werner
Whatever You Do, Don’t Drop Practice | Tom Werner

Summary of research which compared courses with the same content but with specific elements of Gagne's instructional events removed. The strongest correlation with student performance and satisfaction was with practice with feedback. (This is an old post, but it's moved since I originally bookmarked it.)

The only instructional element that really matters is practice with feedback.
Whatever You Do, Don’t Drop Practice | Tom Werner
Communities of Inquiry
Communities of Inquiry
<p>The purpose of this project is to support a personally meaningful and educationally worthwhile learning experience. Central to the study introduced here is the <a href="">model of a community of inquiry</a> that constitutes four elements essential to an educational experience: </p> <ul> <li><a href="">Cognitive Presence</a></li> <li><a href="">Social Presence</a></li> <li><a href="">Teaching Presence</a></li> <li><a href="">Methodology</a></li></ul>
Communities of Inquiry