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For My Summer 2008 C&I 401 Students « Cycling Through Ed Tech
For My Summer 2008 C&I 401 Students « Cycling Through Ed Tech
Cheri Toledo writes about internet safety, plus Twitter as a Personal Learning Network for teachers. I love her phrase to describe the typical paranoid response to kids being online: the "Ostrich Safety Method."
Too often, school boards and districts, teachers, and parents use the Ostrich Safety Method: block everything and don’t talk about it. This is not a sound educational method.
For My Summer 2008 C&I 401 Students « Cycling Through Ed Tech - News & Features - Where teachers learn diversity - News & Features - Where teachers learn diversity
Article from the Toronto Star on integrating diversity in teacher education programs, therefore fostering a sense of respect for diversity in the classroom. Nice example of integrating diverse perspectives in geometry using Moroccan tiles, plus community involvement through parent computer training.
<p>And before they set foot in a classroom, student teachers must examine their own cultural identity – race, gender, social class, even sexual orientation – so they are aware of the bias they may bring to a classroom.</p><p>"Our research shows who you are impacts how you deal with children, so the worst thing is to act colour-blind," said Solomon, whose urban diversity program has graduated more than 1,000 teachers over the past 14 years, many of whom have gone on to school leadership positions in the field of equity.</p>
"Teachers need to know more than the 3 R's; if you don't know the community your students live in – the social, the racial dynamics – you won't be as effective," said Solomon.
·· - News & Features - Where teachers learn diversity
21st Century Teachers | Educational Origami
21st Century Teachers | Educational Origami
Moving from the idea of 21st century skills for learners, this post discusses 21st century skills for teachers. The proposed roles for teachers include Adaptor, Communicator, Learner, Visionary, Model, Collaborator, Risk Taker.
We know they are student centric, wholistic, they are teaching about how to learn as much as teaching about the subject area.
21st Century Teachers | Educational Origami
Education Week: Learning to Teach With Technology
Education Week: Learning to Teach With Technology
Instead of teaching technology as a separate course, more colleges training preservice teachers are integrating technology in content areas like math and science.
the standards require teacher-candidates to exhibit knowledge, skills, and dispositions that equip them to teach technology applications. Candidates also have to show they can use technology to support student learning of content.
<p>Joel Colbert, who heads the committee on innovation and technology, says the handbook seeks to make the point that stand-alone technology classes are now obsolete. </p> <p>“We are saying that’s not the way to integrate technology into teacher training, because each subject area uses technology differently,” Colbert says.</p>
Education Week: Learning to Teach With Technology