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Usability Testing 101
Usability Testing 101
Introduction to usability testing. I've used this basic process (especially the "discount usability testing version"), or some adapted version of it, in several organizations. Mostly, I have used this with testing LMSs, but it works well for testing elearning too.
Usability Testing 101
Make sense of rounded corners on buttons | by Shan Shen | UX Collective
Make sense of rounded corners on buttons | by Shan Shen | UX Collective
Rounded corners on cards and buttons can be helpful to users for differentiating between items and recognizing what is clickable.
Rounded corners are easier on the eyes. When we align cards in a row, it’s easier to count the total number of cards when they have rounded corners.
<mark class="xl xm if">Fully rounded buttons are excellent in interfaces that have adequate space.</mark>
Make sense of rounded corners on buttons | by Shan Shen | UX Collective