CogDogRoo - StoryMediaSources for Creative Commons and public domain images, audio, and video for use in digital storytellingImported from Diigo#digitalstorytelling#web2.0#photos#audio#multimedia#video··May 29, 2009CogDogRoo - StoryMedia
CogDogRoo - StoryToolsOver 50 tools for digital storytelling, categorized by tool typeImported from Diigo#digitalstorytelling#tools#multimedia#web2.0#education#animation#video··May 29, 2009CogDogRoo - StoryTools
Children's Books Online - BigUniverse.comYou can read picture books online for free at this site, but the exciting part is being able to create your own books using their authoring tool and collection of images. Author blogs and other features are also available.Imported from Diigo#digitalstorytelling#k-12#web2.0··Mar 11, 2008Children's Books Online -