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Emerald | Industrial and Commercial Training | Enhancing coaching skills and emotional intelligence through training
Emerald | Industrial and Commercial Training | Enhancing coaching skills and emotional intelligence through training
Research comparing training spaced over multiple weeks versus an intense burst of training in two days. Not a controlled study, but promising results for spaced learning.
<em>Purpose</em> – <it>The purpose of this paper is to compare the impact of a long-term (13-week, spaced learning) with a short-term (two-day, block intensive) coaching skills training programme on participants' coaching skills and emotional intelligence.</it>
<em>Findings</em> – <it>Participation in the 13-week training course was associated with increases in both goal-focused coaching skills and emotional intelligence, whereas the two-day block intensive training was associated with increased goal-focused coaching skills, but not emotional intelligence. Further, the magnitude of the increase in goal-focused coaching skills was less for the two-day programme than for the 13-week programme.</it>
Emerald | Industrial and Commercial Training | Enhancing coaching skills and emotional intelligence through training
Learning Benefits of On-Line Spaced Education Persist for 2 Years
Learning Benefits of On-Line Spaced Education Persist for 2 Years
Summary of follow-up research on online spaced education with medical residents showing that the benefits could still be detected 2 years later.
On-line spaced education can generate improvements in learning that are retained 2 years later. Although the effect size is modest, the persistence of detectable knowledge differences between educational interventions after such a long duration is exceedingly unusual.
Learning Benefits of On-Line Spaced Education Persist for 2 Years
NCVER - E-learning in Australia and Korea: Learning from practice
NCVER - E-learning in Australia and Korea: Learning from practice
Lengthy study from 2005 comparing how e-learning is used in Australia and Korea, finding some similar concerns. Like most other studies, this one has found that e-learning "cannnot on its own guarantee successful learning outcomes for students. The way in which the teacher and the learner utilise the technology continues to be important."
NCVER - E-learning in Australia and Korea: Learning from practice
eLearn: Research Papers - Predictors of Success for Adult Online Learners: A Review of the Literature
eLearn: Research Papers - Predictors of Success for Adult Online Learners: A Review of the Literature
Literature review on what makes online adult learners successful, including motivation and ability to self-regulate learning. A blend of synchronous & asynchronous learning is recommended by the author.
eLearn: Research Papers - Predictors of Success for Adult Online Learners: A Review of the Literature
Cognitive Load Theory: Failure? « EdTechDev
Cognitive Load Theory: Failure? « EdTechDev
Explanation of cognitive load theory and the problems with it, both conceptual and methodological. Lots of sources to dig into deeper if you want more research on this issue.
Numerous contradictions of cognitive load theory’s predictions have been found, but with germane cognitive load, they can still be explained away.&nbsp; de Jong does not use this term (unfalsifiable) but instead states that germane cognitive load is a <em>post-hoc</em> explanation with no theoretical basis: “there seems to be no grounds for asserting that processes that lead to (correct) schema acquisition will impose a higher cognitive load than learning processes that do not lead to (correct) schemas” (2009).
2. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Poor external validity of lab-based studies</span>.&nbsp; Moreno doesn’t touch on something in the de Jong article – the fact that most cognitive load (and multimedia learning) studies are conducted in labs that “includes participants who have no specific interest in learning the domain involved and who are also given a very short study time” (de Jong, 2009), often only a few minutes.&nbsp; Quite a number of findings from these studies have not held up as strongly when tested in classrooms or real-world scenarios, or have even reversed (<a href="">such as the modality effect</a>, but see <a href="">this refutation</a> and this <a href=";cpsidt=5135499">other example of a reverse effect</a>).
Cognitive Load Theory: Failure? « EdTechDev
Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: Evidence Based E-Learning #dl09 #dl09-104
Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: Evidence Based E-Learning #dl09 #dl09-104
Cammy Bean's live blogged notes from DevLearn with Ruth Clark. Lots of this is the multimedia principles I've read before (and maybe don't always apply in authentic learning environments, but that's another story). The research on animations vs stills was new to me though.
Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: Evidence Based E-Learning #dl09 #dl09-104
Open Access Educational Technology journals – George Veletsianos
Open Access Educational Technology journals – George Veletsianos
Looking for research on e-learning, instructional design, educational technology, or related topics? Check out these open access journals. Great to have a filtered list for this rather than having to dig through some of the larger directories.
Open Access Educational Technology journals – George Veletsianos
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better

According to a meta-analysis by the US Department of Education, face-to-face courses are less effective than online and blended learning. They caution against viewing this as simply a matter of the medium though. It's the changes in what online and blended learning allow (like opportunities for collaboration) that are likely making the difference.

Direct link to PDF:

The meta-analysis findings do not support simply putting an existing course online, but they do support redesigning instruction to incorporate additional learning opportunities online.
Meta-Analysis Shows Online Learning Better, Blended Even Better
Donald Clark Plan B: Brilliant 35 studies in media and learning
Donald Clark Plan B: Brilliant 35 studies in media and learning
Great summary of research points on our perceptions of media with implications for using media effectively for learning. For example, audio quality matters a lot, but video quality can be low and still effective. Large, wide screens are preferred over higher quality images on smaller screens.
35 psychological studies into the human reaction to media all point towards the simple proposition that people react towards media socially even though, at a conscious level, they believe it is not reasonable to do so. They can't help it. In short, people think that computers are people, which makes e-learning work.
As long as a media technology is consistent with social and physical rules, we will accept it. Read that last part again, 'as long as a media technology is consistent with social and physical rules'. If the media technology fails to conform to these human expectations - we will very much not accept it.
Donald Clark Plan B: Brilliant 35 studies in media and learning
The Development Of A Community Of Inquiry Over Time In An Online Course: Understanding The Progression And Integration Of Social | The Sloan Consortium
The Development Of A Community Of Inquiry Over Time In An Online Course: Understanding The Progression And Integration Of Social | The Sloan Consortium
JALN article on creating a community of inquiry through online discussions, with positive results for students' perceived learning and satisfaction. Specifically, the authors found that, at least in this context, cognitive and teaching presence were correlated with both learning and satisfaction, but social presence only improved satisfaction. Registration required to download the PDF.
The Development Of A Community Of Inquiry Over Time In An Online Course: Understanding The Progression And Integration Of Social | The Sloan Consortium
NSSE 2008 Results
NSSE 2008 Results
Results from the National Survey of Student Engagement. The full report has limited information about online learning, but does include results showing that students in online courses report more deep learning, intellectual challenge, and reflection than those in face-to-face courses.
NSSE 2008 Results
Top News - Report challenges online-learning assumptions
Top News - Report challenges online-learning assumptions
Results of a study showing deeper learning in online courses than face-to-face ones
<p>Some critics of distance learning say face-to-face classes give students a better learning environment, but a recent Indiana University study found that online learners reported deeper approaches to learning than classroom-based learners.</p> <p>Deep learning, researchers said,&nbsp;is a type of learning that goes beyond rote memorization and focuses on reflection, integrative learning, and higher-order thinking--analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.</p>
According to the survey results, 37 percent of first-year online learners and 45 percent of seniors said they participated in course activities that challenged them intellectually "very often," compared to only 24 percent of first-year classroom-based learners and 35 percent of seniors. The survey also found that online learners reported slightly more deep approaches to learning in their coursework.
Survey results showed that 58 percent of first-year students taking most of their classes online reported using higher-order thinking in their coursework, compared to 55 percent of classroom-based learners. Results also showed that 69 percent of first-year students taking most of their classes online reported using integrative thinking in their coursework, compared to 67 percent of classroom-based learners. Additionally, 62 percent of first-year students taking most of their classes online reported using reflective learning in their coursework, compared to 59 percent of classroom-based learners.
Top News - Report challenges online-learning assumptions
Tools Used : eLearning Technology
Tools Used : eLearning Technology
Tony Karrer looks at some results from the eLearning Guild survey on eLearning 2.0, specifically what tools learning professionals are using themselves. He compares people in corporations, education, and government. Surprisingly, people working in education are using more of these tools than their corporate counterparts.
Tools Used : eLearning Technology
JALN: Does one size fit all? Exploring Asynchronous learning in a multicultural environment
JALN: Does one size fit all? Exploring Asynchronous learning in a multicultural environment
Small-scale study of cultural differences in an asynchronous learning environment, focusing on high and low context cultures. Includes a comparison of student perceptions of online learning based on their cultural background. High and low context learners both saw advantages to online learning, but their reasons differ.
Because computer mediated communications is language (specifically, written word) dependant, it is subject to the constraints of low/high context cultural patterns <a href="#morse46">[46]</a>. As indicated earlier, the role of language is to carry meaning, and interpretation is an integral part of culture. Language is one means of establishing context among participants of a particular culture group. In low context cultures, language must be specific and well defined, to provide the contextual definition in which to interpret the communication. On the other hand, in a high context culture language may be vague, lacking the specificity of the low context culture, as the environment within which communication takes place clarifies the specific meaning of language <a href="#morse36">[36,</a> <a href="#morse41">41]</a>. Thus language plays a key role in the communication process. A key issue determining the success of computer mediated communication is the encoding/decoding by which that communication is done. Given that computer-mediated communication is a textual (electronic) rather than a visual (face-to-face) medium, meaning must be carried by the language itself rather than relying on the environmental context as the means of communication and/or interpretation. Given this relationship, because the language of communication is English, low context communication is presumed, thus perhaps disadvantaging those whose cultural background relies on high context communication.
Interestingly, low context participants concentrate on the participation environment, while high context participants concentrate on their individual work/effort and/or skills in the discussion.
Noticeably however, the responses indicate that cultural background directly influences the priority of perceived benefits received and challenges posed from the same asynchronous communication network. The perceptions are based on learning patterns which are developed as part of a participants’ ethnic/cultural development, and are potentially challenged by participation in an asynchronous communication network, which of itself is implicitly culturally based. Further, high context participants in an asynchronously delivered seminar, while assured of higher quality participation through an offline ability to infer meaning through low context communications, are at least initially more likely to be disadvantaged by technology differences as well as the communications norms implicit in their cultural background.
JALN: Does one size fit all? Exploring Asynchronous learning in a multicultural environment
Top News - Online insight: Challenges beat cheerleading
Top News - Online insight: Challenges beat cheerleading

Network analysis in online discussions in two classes shows, not surprisingly, that asking probing questions and challenging posts results in more learner engagement than simple "cheerleading" posts like "Great job!"

New link:

Top News - Online insight: Challenges beat cheerleading
Will at Work Learning: FREE Research Report on Feedback
Will at Work Learning: FREE Research Report on Feedback
21 points from research on feedback summarized, plus a downloadable free report with all the details. Feedback is generally good for learners and should tell them the right answers, plus maybe why it's right. Lots of insight about what kinds of feedback to use or how to use feedback depending on the results you're aiming for.
<li>Immediate feedback prevents subsequent confusion and limits the likelihood for continued inappropriate retrieval practice.</li> <li>Delayed feedback creates a beneficial spacing effect.</li> <li>When in doubt about the timing of feedback, you can (a) give immediate feedback and then a subsequent delayed retrieval opportunity, (b) delay feedback slightly, and/or (c) just be sure to give some kind of feedback.</li> <li>Feedback should usually be provided before learners get another chance to retrieve incorrectly again.</li>
Will at Work Learning: FREE Research Report on Feedback
Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?
Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?
A challenge to the coherence principle: the idea that all information in multimedia learning should be essential, and nothing should be added simply for interest. This research found that in an authentic learning setting that performance was the same whether learners had only the essentials or had additional interesting information, directly contradicting Clark & Mayer's work.
Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?
University of Houston Study: Hybrid Courses More Effective for Students
University of Houston Study: Hybrid Courses More Effective for Students
Research comparing traditional and hybrid methods of teaching a college course. Students in the hybrid course with access to materials online scored 10% higher in the course.
A technical report from a University of Houston <a target="_blank" href="">Department of Health and Human Performance</a> researcher finds that students in a hybrid class that incorporated instructional technology with in-class lectures scored a letter grade higher on average than their counterparts who took the same class in a more traditional format.
University of Houston Study: Hybrid Courses More Effective for Students
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
Research on how effective use of multimedia can improve learning outcomes. Based on research by Mayer, Moreno, Clark, & others. Much of this is in e-Learning and the Science of Instruction, but some of these principles, especially on interactivity, aren't included in that book. (Quotes from page 4)
Direct Manipulation Principle: As the complexity of the materials increases, the impact of direct manipulation (animation, pacing) of the learning materials on the transfer of knowledge also increases.
However, when the average student is engaged in higher-order thinking using multimedia in interactive situations, on average, that student's percentage ranking on higher-order or transfer skills increases by 32 percentile points over what the student would have accomplished with traditional learning.
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
Analysis of Problem-Solving-Based Online Asynchronous Discussion Pattern (PDF)
Analysis of Problem-Solving-Based Online Asynchronous Discussion Pattern (PDF)
Research on using online discussions for student problem solving. The study found that problem solving discussions were more helpful for students than typical single topic discussions, but instructors can use strategies to guide discussion and encourage more depth.
Analysis of Problem-Solving-Based Online Asynchronous Discussion Pattern (PDF)
Innovate: When the Medium Illustrates the Content: Exploiting the Unique Features of Online Communication
Innovate: When the Medium Illustrates the Content: Exploiting the Unique Features of Online Communication
Case study of a course developed with 7 principles of effective online course design (from Chickering & Gamson). Explains how each of the principles was demonstrated and includes student evaluations of the course. Students felt the course was effective in teaching critical thinking skills and promoting student interaction, with many students rating it higher than face-to-face courses.
<li>encourages contact between students and faculty,</li><li>develops reciprocity and cooperation among students,</li><li>encourages active learning,</li><li>gives prompt feedback,</li><li>emphasizes time on task,</li><li>communicates high expectations, and</li><li>respects diverse talents and ways of learning.</li>
Students perceived the course as having the most impact on their critical thinking skills, with 87% rating the course as extremely or very useful in developing these capabilities
Overall, 79% of respondents felt that this totally online course was extremely or very useful in fostering student interaction, a principle of effective teaching that students often fear will be lacking in their online courses (Bullen 1998; Ward 1998).
Innovate: When the Medium Illustrates the Content: Exploiting the Unique Features of Online Communication
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Research on teachers doing both face-to-face and online teaching. 75% of the teachers said that teaching online improved their face-to-face teaching. Course design and communication changes were most common, but some teachers also added multimedia.
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet