Upload and share screenshots and images - print screen online | Snipboard.io
A free site for sharing screenshots without needing separate software. This is great for sharing on sites where you can't upload an image and need to share a link to an image instead. Just grab a screenshot and paste it in this website to generate a link to the image.
Projects and Projections Worksheet - Google Sheets
Free spreadsheet for projecting your annual income based on multiple freelance projects or income streams. This format is different from how I do my own projections, but it's a good starting point. You can make a copy of the template and use it yourself.
A free tool for generating speech bubbles in CSS. Something like this might be usable in Twine with some tweaking to assign this formatting based on tags.
An AI took for writing a viral LinkedIn post--the kind with one sentence per paragraph and some vaguely inspirational advice that the LinkedIn algorithm loves. Use the slider to control the "cringe level" of the text. While this is good just for a funny break in your day, I could see using this as an Easter Egg in a scenario or a mockup in an elearning course.
While there are lots of tools for creating color palettes, this is the first one I have seen that so clearly notes the accessibility of different combinations. Even if you create the palette using another tool, you could check it with this free tool to note which colors have sufficient contrast when used together.
Generate text with different fonts to paste in other places like LinkedIn. This is one way to make a large block of text easier to read by adding headings and dividers, like in your About Me section on LinkedIn
Will training help? Ask the flowchart from Cathy Moore
Cathy Moore has created a new interactive online version of her flowchart to decide if a problem is best addressed through a job aid, better tools, training, or something else.
A no code tool for building web apps and interactive surveys. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like you could use this for building branching scenarios. In the info for educators, it says you can make CYOA lessons that adapt content and grade automatically. You can start with a free plan to try it out.
GitHub - ChapelR/tw-analytics: Quickly add Google analytics to Twine games (and other web apps) from the command line.
This hasn't been updated in 2 years, but it's a tool for adding Google Analytics tracking to Twine games. While getting xAPI to work with Twine is still probably the ideal option for most learning applications, analytics data would provide a lot of useful info too.
Tool for creating live polls, Q&A etc. during meetings. The free account would be enough for many events. h/t Matt Pierce (who used it in a recent session)
Need to securely send a password or other sensitive information? This site lets you create a secret link that can only be used once, and then disappears.
xAPI Tutorial: Get started in under 1 hour - eLearningArt
Start learning how to use xAPI quickly, with a basic html page and a simple "send statements" button. This uses resources from Anthony Altieri and Mel Milloway. Everything is free, and this has step-by-step directions for non-programmers (but you do have to edit some html).
botscripten/README.md at master · aibex/botscripten · GitHub
This is a modified Trialogue format for Twine for creating chat-style stories. Since Trialogue was never really released and can be a little glitchy, I want to test this one out too.
Adobe eLearning World 2021 — Watch Session Recordings - eLearning
Recorded presentations from Adobe's 2021 conference. In addition to Captivate-specific presentations, there's a solid list of speakers under the heading "eLearning Basics Masterclasses": Connie Malamed, Jane Bozarth, Ray Jimenez, Lou Russel, Sarah Mercier, and more.
This post includes lesson plans for teaching students how to use Twine, either in a single 50-minute session or in two days with extra time for practicing in the tool. These plans are a few years old, so a few details have changed, but the overall structure makes sense.
This is a summary of a project at the University of Toronto using Twine to create an educational game, plus an overview of Twine.
Although Twine is a tool for creating “games”, this project goes beyond games and gamification to think creatively about how the functions of Twine can be used to create activities that allow students to more directly engage with learning content in a hands-on experiential format that may not be possible in a traditional classroom learning space.
Free tools for creating VR stories, timelines, annotated maps and charts, image comparisons, and more. These are open source tools and may be a little clunky, but potentially worth exploring for short experiences. They're design more for journalists and media companies than training, but there's overlap in explainer journalism and elearning.
Provide hex codes for colors and get tints (lighter) and shades (darker) of that color. Useful for staying within a color scheme while still providing some variety
A tool for collecting feedback on video, audio, or images. The free plan allows only 1 project, but that lets you try it out. $9/month for the first tier paid plan with unlimited reviewers.