How To Create ePortfolios with GoogleApps (eportfolios)
Helen Barrett calls Google Apps the "best free Web 2.0 tool for maintaining an online personal learning environment" that can be used for eportfolios and assessment.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: How to Make Wiki References
Screencast and directions for adding references in Wikispaces. Wikispaces references now work like Wikipedia, where you can add a reference and it creates a linked footnote.
How-to: Non-Linear Navigation in Captivate Using rdcmndGotoSlide
Jump to a specific slide in Captivate using a Flash wrapper. I've wanted to be able to do this several times when linking multiple Captivate files and never could figure out how.
Diigo sandbox in elluminate in 1 1/2 hour... | Diigo Message System
Message conversation on Diigo including suggestions from Maggie Tsai on a step-by-step path to introduce/explore Diigo. This starts with the basics and gradually adds features.