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A Google Doc add-on for using AI and NLP to help with instructional design tasks. This is an interesting concept, and I can see the value for things like summaries or course descriptions based on content provided. However, even their provided example has significant problems (weak objectives, low-level multiple choice questions, a truly terrible scenario). It might be worth playing with it to see where it can be useful, like speeding up the process of first drafts or generating ideas.
Designing game-inspired narratives for learning
Designing game-inspired narratives for learning
Conference paper by Miranda Verswijvelen, Ricardo Sosa, and Nataly Martini on what we can learn from how game designers write narratives and apply that to scenario-based learning.
This study turns for guidance to the expertise of narrative designers for games, where storytelling for interactive narrative has a long history of testing, iterating and perfecting. A collection of proven techniques described by game narrative practitioners will inform creative writing efforts to craft prototypes to test the transferability of those techniques to interactive narratives in a healthcare education context.
Designing game-inspired narratives for learning
AI, Instructional Design, and OER – improving learning
AI, Instructional Design, and OER – improving learning
I agree with the idea that AI and LLMs will make it much easier to create a first draft of content. I like the differentiation here between "informational resources" and "educational resources." Instructional designers will have easy access to basic informational resources through AI, so they can spend more time creating practice and feedback to create better learning experiences.
AI, Instructional Design, and OER – improving learning
Top 100 Learning Influencers · Eduflow blog
Top 100 Learning Influencers · Eduflow blog
While calling this list "influencers" may make you think of the social media sense of the word, this is intended more as "people who influence others in the field through their writing, speaking, etc." This is based on a survey, network analysis, and other factors. I'm pleased to be included in the list. The order is published randomly, and the research and analysis methods are explained at the bottom of the post.
The fields of instructional design, learning & development and learning theory have been shaped by a wide range of people over many years. We decided to study these influences, to get an idea about just how wide-ranging the sources of influence are. In this post, we share a list of 100 people who are some of the most influential people within instructional design, learning and development, and learning theory.
Top 100 Learning Influencers · Eduflow blog
Information to Miniscenarios - Learnlets
Information to Miniscenarios - Learnlets
Clark Quinn digs into the process of mapping information from SMEs into miniscenarios for assessment. This is about what information you need to get from SMEs (context, decisions, misconceptions, consequences, models for good performance). Those aspects of the information are then maps to parts of the miniscenario (e.g., misconceptions become wrong answers).
So, first, let’s talk about the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">structure</a> of a mini-scenario. I’ve suggested that it’s an initial context or story, in which a situation precipitates the need for a decision. There’s the right one, and then alternatives. Not random or silly ones, but ones that represent ways in which learners reliably go wrong. There’s also feedback, which is best as story-based consequences first, then actual conceptual feedback.
Miniscenarios aren’t necessarily the best practice, but they’re typically available in your authoring environment. &nbsp;Writing them isn’t necessarily as easy as generating typical recognition questions, but they more closely mimic the actual task, and therefore lead to better transfer.
Information to Miniscenarios - Learnlets
Transitioning from education to instructional design
Transitioning from education to instructional design
Melanie Knight has been doing some great posts sharing her notes and reflections as she learns about instructional design and transitions her career. This article is a reflection on her journey so far and the ways she has been learning and sharing. She also includes a list of resources that she has learned from.
Transitioning from education to instructional design
Strategies for Humanizing Training
Strategies for Humanizing Training
Rance Green summarizes the structure for instructional story design.
<div class="lw-widget-in learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-element-id="textNormal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658785768982_396" style="">To sum up this structure, it looks like this:&nbsp;<br></div><h4 class="lw-widget-in learnworlds-heading4 learnworlds-heading4-large learnworlds-element" data-element-id="textNormal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658786051875_436" style=""><div style="text-align: center;">STORY <span style="color: rgb(255, 132, 0);">&gt; </span>REFELECT <span style="color: rgb(255, 132, 0);">&gt; </span>SOLVE <span style="color: rgb(255, 132, 0);">&gt; </span>FEEDBACK</div></h4><ul class="lw-widget-in lw-cols oneItem-per-row multiple-rows learnworlds-element js-same-content-wrapper" data-node-type="listWrapper" data-element-id="listType1" id="el_1658951004446_1498"> <li class="col no-padding flex-item with-flexible-parts non-flexible js-lw-flexible-wrapper js-same-content-child" data-node-type="listItem" id="el_1658951004451_1508"> <span class="learnworlds-main-text-normal flexible-part learnworlds-icon lw-brand-text fas fa-angle-right" data-node-type="icon" id="el_1658951004453_1509"></span> <div class="flexible-part learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658951004454_1510">Tell the story first.</div> </li> <li class="col no-padding flex-item with-flexible-parts non-flexible js-lw-flexible-wrapper js-same-content-child" data-node-type="listItem" id="el_1658951004455_1511"> <span class="learnworlds-main-text-normal flexible-part learnworlds-icon lw-brand-text fas fa-angle-right" data-node-type="icon" id="el_1658951004456_1512"></span> <div class="flexible-part learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658951004457_1513">Ask the learner to reflect on the story.&nbsp;</div> </li> <li class="col no-padding flex-item with-flexible-parts non-flexible js-lw-flexible-wrapper js-same-content-child" data-node-type="listItem" id="el_1658951004458_1514"> <span class="learnworlds-main-text-normal flexible-part learnworlds-icon lw-brand-text fas fa-angle-right" data-node-type="icon" id="el_1658951004458_1515"></span> <div class="flexible-part learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658951004459_1516">Ask the learner to solve something based on the story.</div> </li> <li class="col no-padding flex-item with-flexible-parts non-flexible js-lw-flexible-wrapper js-same-content-child" data-node-type="listItem" id="el_1658951103925_1569"> <span class="learnworlds-main-text-normal flexible-part learnworlds-icon lw-brand-text fas fa-angle-right" data-node-type="icon" id="el_1658951103924_1567"></span> <div class="flexible-part learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658951103924_1568">Give the learner feedback on their answers.</div></li></ul>
Strategies for Humanizing Training
Success Case Method | Better Evaluation
Success Case Method | Better Evaluation
Overview of Brinkerhoff's Success Case Method for evaluating training programs. In this method, you gather stories from some of the most and least successful participants.
The Success Case Method deliberately looks at the most, and least, successful participants of a program. The purpose is not to examine the average performance - rather, by identifying and examining the extreme cases, it asks: 'When the program works, how well does it work? What is working, and what is not?'.&nbsp;
Success Case Method | Better Evaluation
Top 35 Instructional Design Blogs and Websites in 2022
Top 35 Instructional Design Blogs and Websites in 2022
How did Feedspot determine who was on their list of 31 (not quite 35) ID blogs and websites? It's not quite clear; it's based on reach and domain authority rather than quality, supposedly. But one of those blogs only posts 5 times a year? A number of these are organizational blogs. A few of these blogs are new to me, so you might find something new too. You'll have to search for the blog by name, since the links are to subscriptions in Feedspot rather than actually to the blog. Still, it's good to potentially find some new sources.
Top 35 Instructional Design Blogs and Websites in 2022
Two Questions That Should Be Influencing Every L&D Team's Strategy
Two Questions That Should Be Influencing Every L&D Team's Strategy
"Does learning science play a role in our work, and, just how much of an impact does it have on our profession?"
Does learning science play a role in our work, and, just how <em>much</em> of an impact does it have on our profession?
We must be able to see the gaps in our instructional design, which learning science helps to <a href="">support</a>. It also gives us a basis to infer how to use new technologies. If we want to avoid doing slide presentations, we have to know what cognitive (and emotional) advantages these technologies have so we can leverage them for success.
However, I’ve argued strongly that what’s most critical is the ability to make better decisions. The decisions we make determine our success. We make better decisions <em>about</em> learning when we know how learning works. It may not be all the time, but they will be the most impactful decisions when leveraging evidence-based approaches to our work. If we don’t have the foundation for learning-grounded decisions, the important ones not be made on a solid basis.
Regardless of its latest terminology, we need to be able to see past the hype and be able to evaluate the claims.
Two Questions That Should Be Influencing Every L&D Team's Strategy
Best from the Brightest: Key Ideas and Insights for L&P Professionals - TiER1 Performance
Best from the Brightest: Key Ideas and Insights for L&P Professionals - TiER1 Performance
48 learning and performance leaders share their favorite content shared in 2021. Use this list to find both new sources to read and new people to follow. Many of the participants also shared trends to watch in 2022, other recommended content, and additional people to follow. This list is heavy on evidence-informed design.
Best from the Brightest: Key Ideas and Insights for L&P Professionals - TiER1 Performance
How to Become an Instructional Designer: The Ultimate Resource List - Scissortail Creative Services, LLC
How to Become an Instructional Designer: The Ultimate Resource List - Scissortail Creative Services, LLC
An extensive list of curated resources for becoming an instructional designer, including blog posts, videos, books, and people to follow on Twitter. There's a section specifically for teachers looking to transition to an ID career too. (Yes, my ID careers posts are on the list, but there's a ton of other good stuff from other people too).
How to Become an Instructional Designer: The Ultimate Resource List - Scissortail Creative Services, LLC
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
Cara North breaks down the expenses to get started freelancing, using her actual costs plus a few alternatives. For setting up an LLC, website, hardware, software, and professional development, you can expect to spend a few thousand dollars in the first year.
So how much does it cost to start as a freelance instructional designer? My estimate is between $3000 and $5000.
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
Elements of Learning Experience Design | by Andre Plaut | Medium
Elements of Learning Experience Design | by Andre Plaut | Medium
This is a model for LXD based on a model of User Experience. The 5 elements are strategy, requirements, structure, interaction, and sensory. In practice, I don't think these elements are really separate (interaction and sensory in particular have a lot of overlap and have to be designed together), but I appreciate the model for extending beyond the traditional instructional design focus.
Ultimately, adult learners and their organizations expect learning experiences to establish behaviors that make their lives or work more efficient and effective.
Elements of Learning Experience Design | by Andre Plaut | Medium
How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model | SpringerLink
How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model | SpringerLink
Research comparing job listings to the ATD capability model.
Using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) organizational framework as our method of reviewing job postings, we found that instructional design, talent delivery and facilitation, technology application, communication, and collaboration and leadership capabilities appeared the most frequently.
For corporate settings, more jobs than expected require bachelor’s degrees and fewer jobs than expected require a master’s degree or higher. On the contrary, for higher education settings, more jobs than expected required master’s degrees or higher and fewer jobs than expected required bachelor’s degrees. While this may not be surprising to some job seekers, it does indicate that job applicants with bachelor’s degrees already possess the educational requirements for a corporate role.
How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model | SpringerLink
Learning Objectives: GOAL!?! – 3-Star learning experiences
Learning Objectives: GOAL!?! – 3-Star learning experiences
Summary of research on the value of telling learners the objectives at the beginning of training. The research supports giving learners specific "focusing objectives" to help them recognize what's important. However, that doesn't mean those objectives need to be the same formal learning objectives we use as IDs. In fact, using objectives as multiple choice questions to show people what they don't know yet may be effective.
As instructors and designers, we need to keep in mind that there can be other reasons to use objectives <em>and </em>we need to clearly distinguish between objectives that we use as instructional/learning designers versus the ones we might use for learners.
Learning Objectives: GOAL!?! – 3-Star learning experiences
First Principles of Instruction summary • M David Merrill • myBRAINisOPEN
First Principles of Instruction summary • M David Merrill • myBRAINisOPEN
A 12-part series on Merrill's First Principles of Instruction
In First Principles of Instruction, Merrill identifies five core instructional design principles which he has synthesised from his review of all of these theories, frameworks, and models. He then sets out ways in which these principles can be systematically used to inform the design and development of learning activities, (both online and in a face-to-face context). Merrill then makes a case that following these principles should lead to effective, efficient and engaging learning experiences.
<h2>Problem-centred</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners acquire knowledge and skill in the context of real-world problems or tasks.</strong></p>
<h2>Activation</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners recall or apply existing knowledge and skill as a foundation for new skills.</strong></p>
<h2>Demonstration</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners observe a demonstration of the knowledge and skill to be learned.</strong></p>
<h2>Application</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners use their newly acquired knowledge and skill to solve new problems or carry out tasks.</strong></p>
<h2>Integration</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners reflect on, discuss and defend their newly acquired skill or integrate the skill into a real-world activity.</strong></p>
First Principles of Instruction summary • M David Merrill • myBRAINisOPEN
Decisions, Decisions! – Engage Brain and Train!
Decisions, Decisions! – Engage Brain and Train!
A humorous Choose Your Own Adventure branching scenario sample by Jonathan Hill. The look and feel matches the classic books. Jonathan includes a tip to consider adding decisions in the beginning that have no impact on the outcome (just a cosmetic change), but provide a tutorial or practice on using the controls.
Decisions, Decisions! – Engage Brain and Train!