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Will at Work Learning: FREE Research Report on Feedback
Will at Work Learning: FREE Research Report on Feedback
21 points from research on feedback summarized, plus a downloadable free report with all the details. Feedback is generally good for learners and should tell them the right answers, plus maybe why it's right. Lots of insight about what kinds of feedback to use or how to use feedback depending on the results you're aiming for.
<li>Immediate feedback prevents subsequent confusion and limits the likelihood for continued inappropriate retrieval practice.</li> <li>Delayed feedback creates a beneficial spacing effect.</li> <li>When in doubt about the timing of feedback, you can (a) give immediate feedback and then a subsequent delayed retrieval opportunity, (b) delay feedback slightly, and/or (c) just be sure to give some kind of feedback.</li> <li>Feedback should usually be provided before learners get another chance to retrieve incorrectly again.</li>
Will at Work Learning: FREE Research Report on Feedback
eLearning Guild Annual Gathering 2008 - Day 1- Social Learning Discussion « eLearning Weekly
eLearning Guild Annual Gathering 2008 - Day 1- Social Learning Discussion « eLearning Weekly
Tips and tricks for implementing social learning tools (Web 2.0 tools for learning) in organizations, focused on how to get people in the organization to buy in and actually use the tools.
<li>Oftentimes, when social learning is discussed at an organization, some workers shy away. They see their knowledge as their power, and they’re afraid to give up that control. How to overcome this? Emphasize their ability to help others and play a bigger role in helping the organization, instead of hoarding the knowledge. (Sometimes easier said than done.)</li> <li>If you’re getting pushback on social learning technologies (ex. blogs and wikis), you may want to have evangelist(s) at your organization who take lead and emphasize the potential of these tools, show examples, etc.</li>
"What is the perfect social learning implementation? There is no such thing. Use whatever tools and methodologies that help your teams collaborate best."
eLearning Guild Annual Gathering 2008 - Day 1- Social Learning Discussion « eLearning Weekly
Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?
Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?
A challenge to the coherence principle: the idea that all information in multimedia learning should be essential, and nothing should be added simply for interest. This research found that in an authentic learning setting that performance was the same whether learners had only the essentials or had additional interesting information, directly contradicting Clark & Mayer's work.
Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
Research on how effective use of multimedia can improve learning outcomes. Based on research by Mayer, Moreno, Clark, & others. Much of this is in e-Learning and the Science of Instruction, but some of these principles, especially on interactivity, aren't included in that book. (Quotes from page 4)
Direct Manipulation Principle: As the complexity of the materials increases, the impact of direct manipulation (animation, pacing) of the learning materials on the transfer of knowledge also increases.
However, when the average student is engaged in higher-order thinking using multimedia in interactive situations, on average, that student's percentage ranking on higher-order or transfer skills increases by 32 percentile points over what the student would have accomplished with traditional learning.
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
TL Forum 2000: McLoughlin and Marshall - learner support in an online teaching environment
TL Forum 2000: McLoughlin and Marshall - learner support in an online teaching environment
Scaffolding skills for learning online to support the development of lifelong learning skills. The authors identify 4 aspects of "learning to learn": articulation, self regulation, repertoir of learning strategies, and self-evaluation skills. Design principles to support these 4 component skills are covered.
TL Forum 2000: McLoughlin and Marshall - learner support in an online teaching environment
Wavelength - IDCWC Online - Instructional Design and Content Writing Certificate Course (Online), India
Wavelength - IDCWC Online - Instructional Design and Content Writing Certificate Course (Online), India
Samples of e-learning content about Bloom's taxonomy and instructional design. I don't agree with everything in the content or how it's presented, but there's always something to learn from looking at other people's interactive learning.
Wavelength - IDCWC Online - Instructional Design and Content Writing Certificate Course (Online), India