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Open Broadcaster Software®️ | OBS
Open Broadcaster Software®️ | OBS
Open source tool for live mixing video streaming. You can put a text overlay on top of a video, for example. You can also set up different scenes in advance so you can transition between different combos. This also has an audio mixer so you can adjust the volume between a shared video and your own microphone (or other inputs). It's compatible with other platforms, so you can use it with Zoom or whatever you're currently using for video conferencing or streaming.
Open Broadcaster Software®️ | OBS
Abstract of Study Related to Storytelling « Karl Kapp
Abstract of Study Related to Storytelling « Karl Kapp
In a comparison of narrative and expository format for video instruction, learners retained more information with the narrative format.
In a controlled experiment, participants listened to videotaped instruction presented in either narrative or expository form and presented at<br> either a normal or a moderately compressed rate. Results indicate a relationship between organization<br> and retention such that audience members retain more information when it is presented in a<br> narrative style and when it is presented at a normal presentation rate. Practically, the results suggest advantages for narrative form in the everyday practice of instructional communication.
Abstract of Study Related to Storytelling « Karl Kapp
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Tanya Lau's detailed explanation of her presentation on "Flipping the conversation" to performance and performance support rather than focusing only on formal training content. Includes notes on how she recorded and edited video on her smartphone for the presentation. She gives credit to my post on "Selling Storytelling" as part of the inspiration for her presentation because of how I scripted conversation around business objectives and measurement.
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement | edX
Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement | edX
In edX courses, about 6 minutes is the maximum length students will watch. In traditional online graduate courses for credit, the length could be longer, but this is a good reminder to keep things short.
The optimal video length is 6 minutes or shorter -- students watched most of the way through these short videos. In fact, the average engagement time of any video maxes out at 6 minutes, regardless of its length. And engagement times decrease as videos lengthen: For instance, on average students spent around 3 minutes on videos that are longer than 12 minutes, which means that they engaged with less than a quarter of the content.
Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement | edX
The Lab | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
The Lab | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
Example of e-learning with a branching video scenarios, where you can play four different roles to avoid a serious incident of research misconduct. The stage is set with the "worst case scenario" where everything has gone wrong to draw you in, but you can travel back in time to prevent the problem.
The Lab | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
Donald Clark Plan B: Brilliant 35 studies in media and learning
Donald Clark Plan B: Brilliant 35 studies in media and learning
Great summary of research points on our perceptions of media with implications for using media effectively for learning. For example, audio quality matters a lot, but video quality can be low and still effective. Large, wide screens are preferred over higher quality images on smaller screens.
35 psychological studies into the human reaction to media all point towards the simple proposition that people react towards media socially even though, at a conscious level, they believe it is not reasonable to do so. They can't help it. In short, people think that computers are people, which makes e-learning work.
As long as a media technology is consistent with social and physical rules, we will accept it. Read that last part again, 'as long as a media technology is consistent with social and physical rules'. If the media technology fails to conform to these human expectations - we will very much not accept it.
Donald Clark Plan B: Brilliant 35 studies in media and learning