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No Significant Difference And Distance Education ::'s Daily News :: Technology, Teaching, News, Research
No Significant Difference And Distance Education ::'s Daily News :: Technology, Teaching, News, Research
It is not whether we can meet the same learning outcomes <br> with technology, but how do we use the technologies to enrich the experience, to go beyond what can be done in the face-to-face or other delivery environment.
No Significant Difference And Distance Education ::'s Daily News :: Technology, Teaching, News, Research
JOLT: CREST+ Model: Writing Effective Online Discussion Questions
JOLT: CREST+ Model: Writing Effective Online Discussion Questions
The CREST+ model, a model for writing effective online discussion questions, covers the cognitive nature of the question, the reading basis, any experiential possibility, style and type of question, and finally ways to structure a good question.&nbsp; This model encourages students to participate in online forum discussions, provides a template for new online faculty to use in creating effective discussion questions, and promotes a higher level processing of the material.
The CREST+ model covers the cognitive nature of the question [C], the reading basis [R], any experiential [E] possibility, style and type of question [ST] , and finally ways to structure a good question [+].&nbsp;
JOLT: CREST+ Model: Writing Effective Online Discussion Questions
Tremblay: Best Practices and Collaborative Software In Online Teaching
Tremblay: Best Practices and Collaborative Software In Online Teaching
They focus group energy, they permit real-time interaction (which can help develop group cohesion, especially for those less familiar with media-based learning) and, most importantly, they provide a familiar instructional environment that mimic many positive features found in the traditional classroom environment (i.e., synchronicity, verbal rather than text-based interaction, instructor presence, whiteboard presentation facilities, hand-raising for turn-taking, public and private messaging capabilities).
Tremblay: Best Practices and Collaborative Software In Online Teaching