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ONE level of exaggeration - Learnlets
ONE level of exaggeration - Learnlets
Exaggerate a little in scenarios for learning to increase the stakes of decisions without fundamentally changing the decisions themselves. A little exaggeration keeps it exciting, but too much makes it unbelievable.
ONE level of exaggeration - Learnlets
Stephen's Web ~ Managing the Complexity of Branching Scenarios ~ Stephen Downes
Stephen's Web ~ Managing the Complexity of Branching Scenarios ~ Stephen Downes
Stephen Downes comments in response to my post on managing the complexity of scenarios that merging paths makes it "more like a narration and less like a game." Is it bad for stories for learning and with specific learning objectives to be a bit more like a narration? Perhaps that's a feature, not a bug. Also, most video games do this to some extent. Mass Effect does not have 27 different endings, for example.
Twine (and similar systems) allow paths to merge, reducing the number of possibilities, but at the cost of making the scenario more like a narration and less like a game. 
Stephen's Web ~ Managing the Complexity of Branching Scenarios ~ Stephen Downes
52 eLearning Experts Share their Best Tip for Creating Engaging eLearning
52 eLearning Experts Share their Best Tip for Creating Engaging eLearning
My tip plus 51 others on creating engaging eLearning
Instead of only typical multiple choice questions, try mini-scenarios. Write a few sentences to set a scenario with a problem. A customer voices an objection, software displays an error message, or an employee asks a manager for help. Next, ask learners which action or response they would choose. Now you have a one-question decision-making scenario rather than just an abstract comprehension question. You can do this with any tool, and it creates a more interesting practice or assessment to engage learners.
52 eLearning Experts Share their Best Tip for Creating Engaging eLearning
The Benefits of Scenario Based Training
The Benefits of Scenario Based Training
Scenario-based training better reflects real-life decision making
<p>There is no linear path into what they are subjected. The situations are complex. They often fail and they learn by reflection, becoming much better at the judgements they make next time, even though next time the environment and the scenarios presented are different.</p> <p>After completing a few exercises, they build their own view of the patterns that are evident and are able to move into a new scenario with confidence even if the environment and scenario is radically different.</p>
<p>Learning on reflection before plunging into the next scenario helps to build the patterns in the participants’ minds that are the evidence that they have learnt.</p> <p>Quizzes based on scenarios with a, “What would you do next?”, question builds quick and fun repetition into the training programme, helping transfer from short term memory to long term memory.</p>
The Benefits of Scenario Based Training
Accelerating Expertise with Scenario-Based e-Learning - The Watercooler Newsletter : The Watercooler Newsletter
Accelerating Expertise with Scenario-Based e-Learning - The Watercooler Newsletter : The Watercooler Newsletter
Ruth Clark on how scenario-based elearning accelerates expertise and when to use it
What is Scenario-Based e-Learning?
<em>A. The learner assumes the role of an actor responding to a job realistic situation.</em>&nbsp;
<em>B. The learning environment is preplanned</em>.&nbsp;
<em>C. Learning is inductive rather than instructive.</em>&nbsp;
<em>D. The instruction is guided</em>.&nbsp;
<em>E. Scenario lessons incorporate instructional resources.</em>&nbsp;
<em>F. The goal is to accelerate workplace expertise.</em>&nbsp;
As you consider incorporating scenario-based e-Learning into your instructional mix, consider whether the acceleration of expertise will give you a return on investment.&nbsp; For example, interviews with subject matter experts indicated that automotive technicians must complete about 100 work orders to reach a reasonable competency level in any given troubleshooting domain.&nbsp; Comparing delivery alternatives, OJT would require around 200+ hours, instructor-led training would require around 100 hours, and scenario-based e-Learning simulations require approximately 33–66 hours.
Finally, many learners find scenario-based e-Learning more motivating than traditional instructional formats.&nbsp; Solving a work-related problem makes the instruction immediately relevant.
Accelerating Expertise with Scenario-Based e-Learning - The Watercooler Newsletter : The Watercooler Newsletter

"Scenario-based learning is based on the principles of situated learning theory (Lave & Wenger, 1991), which argues that learning best takes place in the context in which it is going to be used, and situated cognition, the idea that knowledge is best acquired and more fully understood when situated within its context (Kindley, 2002)."

"SBL usually works best when applied to tasks requiring decision-making and critical thinking in complex situations. Tasks that are routine to the students will require little critical thinking or decision-making, and may be better assessed using other methods. "

"Checklist: Is SBL the right option? (Clark, 2009)

  • Are the outcomes based on skills development or problem-solving?
  • Is it difficult or unsafe to provide real-world experience of the skills?
  • Do your students already have some relevant knowledge to aid decision-making?
  • Do you have time and resources to design, develop, and test an SBL approach?
  • Will the content and skills remain relevant for long enough to justify the development of SBL?"
Five reasons for scenario-based design
Five reasons for scenario-based design
Abstract of an article on scenario-based learning for teaching human-computer interaction. These five reasons could apply to other topics as well.
Scenario-based design of information technology addresses five technical challenges: scenarios evoke reflection in the content of design work, helping developers coordinate design action and reflection. Scenarios are at once concrete and flexible, helping developers manage the fluidity of design situations. Scenarios afford multiple views of an interaction, diverse kinds and amounts of detailing, helping developers manage the many consequences entailed by any given design move. Scenarios can also be abstracted and categorized, helping designers to recognize, capture and reuse generalizations and to address the challenge that technical knowledge often lags the needs of technical design. Finally, scenarios promote work-oriented communication among stakeholders, helping to make design activities more accessible to the great variety of expertise that can contribute to design, and addressing the challenge that external constraints designers and clients face often distract attention from the needs and concerns of the people who will use the technology.
Five reasons for scenario-based design
Storyboarding Branched Scenarios - ThinkingKap
Storyboarding Branched Scenarios - ThinkingKap
This is something I've struggled with--a good method for storyboarding branching scenarios. I've used several different Word and PowerPoint templates in the past, none of which have quite worked the way I wanted. I can write the branching in a linear document without much trouble (I once drafted one longhand in a notebook), but it makes my SMEs brains explode to try to follow them. I've seen recommendations for Twine in the past, and this explains in more detail how it works as a storyboarding tool.
Storyboarding Branched Scenarios - ThinkingKap
Chat Mapper
Chat Mapper
Tool for developing branching dialogue. It's designed for both video games and training. There are more features here than what I would need for most scenario-based training I develop, but for something complex this would be a great way to create and test a conversation. It also exports to a very clean screenplay for actors. The free version is only for personal use, but the Indie license is only $60 and would be worth it for a complex enough project. I can usually keep it all straight in my own head in Word, but I've had problems getting actors and developers to understand how the pieces fit together. The simulated dialog might be enough to help others see the flow.
Chat Mapper
Will at Work Learning: Case Question -- Concept Mapping, Question Answering, Multiple Sessions
Will at Work Learning: Case Question -- Concept Mapping, Question Answering, Multiple Sessions
Research on the effectiveness of concept mapping, answering retrieval questions, and reading in multiple sessions. I like the presentation of this in a scenario where you are asked to predict the results of research rather than simply summarizing the study.
Will at Work Learning: Case Question -- Concept Mapping, Question Answering, Multiple Sessions