e-learning 2.0: All You Need To Know
Donald Clark Plan B: Gagne's Nine Dull Commandments
<strong>2 Stating the objective</strong><br>Now bore the learner stupid with a list of learning objectives (really trainerspeak). Give the plot away and remind them of how really boring this course is going to be.
EDUCAUSE Quarterly | E-Learning at a Crossroads—What Price Quality?
Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning
The fundamental idea underlying engagement theory is that students must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks.
Web Teaching Articles: Taking discussion online
How Interactive are YOUR Distance Courses
However, studies such as
one by Miller and Webster (1997, December) have found no significant
difference in assessments of interaction between students in
a synchronous (face-to-face) and asynchronous courses. Horn (1994)
and Hirumi and Bermudez (1996) are among those who find that,
with proper instructional design, distance courses actually can
be more interactive than traditional ones, providing more personal
and timely feedback to meet students’ needs than is possible
in large, face-to-face courses.
Online Learning Resources on the Web
Healthcare Industry Basics
Adventures in Statistics
Option Six - Improving Performance Though E-Learning
Suffern Middle School in Second Life
Second Life | Education
7 Things You Should Know About...
<p>The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative's (ELI's) <em>7 Things You Should Know About...</em> series provides concise information on emerging learning technologies and related practices. Each brief focuses on a single technology or practice and describes:</p>
<li>What it is</li>
<li>How it works</li>
<li>Where it is going</li>
<li>Why it matters to teaching and learning</li></ul>
Distance Education Associations
Clive on Learning: e-Learning and the Science of Instruction
WikiEdProfessional eLearning Guidebook - WikiEducator
Marc Prensky.com
ANGEL Learning Isle in Second Life
Elluminate - Recorded Demonstrations and Events
SlideShare » Tcc07's Slidespace
Introduction to Web Accessibility
Great eLearning Design NEEDS Great graphic design
The Blog of Clark Aldrich: Case Study: Executives in Class - From “Recalling” To “Applying” New Knowledge
The Blog of Clark Aldrich: Case Study: Fortune 100 Company: An Extra Day Every Week of Work
eContent: Creating Second Life Content
Quality Matters
Introductory Course Makeovers
<p>The models stress online assessment that provides immediate feedback to instructors. Administrators can monitor tests given to students before the course redesign and after to measure their subject knowledge.</p>
<p>The idea, says Carol A. Twigg, president and chief executive of NCAT, is to structure courses so that both student and instructor time is best used.</p>
NCAT has identified several
<a href="http://www.center.rpi.edu/PlanRes/R2R_ModCrsRed.htm" target="_blank">redesign models</a>, all of which adhere to the principle that students need more than just traditional lectures.
Literary Worlds Index
Sloan-C - K-12 Online Learning Survey