Samples of different styles for conversations (comic book, text message, interactive conversations, pull quotes, etc.) Read the comments for additional examples. Most of the samples are in Storyline, but you could do similar actions in any tool.
How To Create A Money-Making Online Course - Forbes
This isn't about instructional design--it's for SMEs who want to create courses on Udemy to share their expertise. I like the comparison used that creating a 2-3 hour online course takes about as much time as writing a book; that's a good metaphor, at least for an audience of experts with knowledge to sell.
This is an older tool and doesn't look like it's being maintained anymore (the last news update is from 2008), but it appears to be able to repackage SCORM packages. Might be worth testing if you have SCORM packages created in software you don't otherwise have access to.
Top 5 LMS Off the Beaten Track Infographic - InsiderHub
I think Canvas is too well-established to be on this list. The others are worth exploring (Adobe Captivate Prime, LearnDash, UpsideLMS, and Matrix). They have a quick summary of each, including price, and notes on the intended audience.
How to Fix E-Learning Course Content & Graphic Design
Tips for how to clean up e-learning design. This is mostly about visual design including picking images, fonts, color schemes, and using grids. A few tips on cleaning up content are included, but that topic could be a whole series of posts.
Copyrightability of Charts, Tables, and Graphs | U-M Library
Excellent analysis of the case history and interpretation of copyright law. The quick answer is that because data itself can't be copyrighted, charts and graphs that just represent that data also can't be copyrighted. Infographics are an exception because they can demonstrate creativity.
Charts, graphs, and tables are not subject to copyright protection because they do not meet the first requirement for copyright protection, that is, they are not “original works of authorship,” under the definitions in the Act.
Automatic Bookmarking for your Twitter Favorites | Diigo
Diigo can automatically save your Twitter favorites. Links are saved as bookmarks. If you choose to save favorites without links, they're saved as notes. This lets you categorize and organize your favorite Tweets in your library.
No Clarity Around Growth Mindset…Yet | Slate Star Codex
A rare criticism of Dweck's growth mindset research, largely centered around the idea that the results are so dramatic for such small interventions that they can't be real. No proof for falsification is provided (although the author says he looked). There are some more legitimate concerns raised about the social psychology and alternate research showing that yes, innate ability does matter.
A rare point of agreement between hard biodeterminists and hard socialists is that telling kids that they’re failing because they just don’t have the right work ethic is a <i>crappy thing to do</i>. It’s usually false and it will make them feel terrible. Behavioral genetics studies show pretty clearly that at least 50% of success at academics and <a href="">sports</a> is genetic; various sociologists have put a lot of work into proving that your position in a biased society covers a pretty big portion of the remainder. If somebody who was born with the dice stacked against them works very hard, then they might find themselves at A2 above. To deny this in favor of a “everything is about how hard you work” is to offend the sensibilities of sensible people on the left and right alike.
So basically, you take the most vulnerable people, set them tasks you know they’ll fail at, then lecture them about how they only failed because of insufficient effort.
Amy Jo Kim looks at the types of players for social games and provides verbs and descriptions for each. This could be useful for thinking about games for learning and the different approaches possible (i.e., it's not all just about badges and competition).
Books on e-learning, visual design, training evaluation, learning research, presentation skills and change management. A brief summary is included for each book listed.
When Captivate publishes HTML5, it doesn't work in Firefox. Captivate exports only MP3 audio, and Firefox only plays OGGs. This post provides some tweaks for the Javascript to get rid of the error message and look for OGG versions of the file when needed. You have to create both versions of the audio files.
An explanation of the variables affecting the time to create e-learning, including considerations of actual time versus elapsed time (i.e., how long you're sitting around waiting for the SME to get back to you).
Time estimates for e-learning and technical documentation, including some breakdowns for creating storyboards and tips on how to adjust estimates for short e-learning. The infographic is available as one long graphic or a 4-page PDF.
The learning styles revelation - research from cognitive science
Summary of research debunking learning styles and recommends following multimedia learning principles based on cognitive science instead. This is a text-heavy Slideshare presentation.