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Myth Busting the Pay Gap : U.S. Department of Labor Blog
Myth Busting the Pay Gap : U.S. Department of Labor Blog
US DOL goes point by point debunking the myths about the pay gap between women and men
<p><strong>MYTH:</strong> There is no such thing as the gender pay gap – legitimate differences between men and women cause the gap in pay, not discrimination.</p> <p><strong>REALITY:</strong> Decades of research shows a gender gap in pay even after factors like the kind of work performed and qualifications (education and experience) are taken into account.</p>
Myth Busting the Pay Gap : U.S. Department of Labor Blog
Storyboarding Branched Scenarios - ThinkingKap
Storyboarding Branched Scenarios - ThinkingKap
This is something I've struggled with--a good method for storyboarding branching scenarios. I've used several different Word and PowerPoint templates in the past, none of which have quite worked the way I wanted. I can write the branching in a linear document without much trouble (I once drafted one longhand in a notebook), but it makes my SMEs brains explode to try to follow them. I've seen recommendations for Twine in the past, and this explains in more detail how it works as a storyboarding tool.
Storyboarding Branched Scenarios - ThinkingKap
Don't fall for these adult learning myths
Don't fall for these adult learning myths
"How to be a learning mythbuster" from Cathy Moore. Part of this is the broader problem that most people are lousy at understanding research and verifying sources. This isn't exclusive to the learning profession. We should be better about avoiding the myths in our own field though.
We work in organizations that believe harmful myths. We’re pressured to work as if the myths are true, and we can’t or don’t take the time we need to keep our knowledge up to date and combat the myths.
Don't fall for these adult learning myths
5 Quick Tips Using Cutout People Images - eLearning Brothers
5 Quick Tips Using Cutout People Images - eLearning Brothers
Tips for using cutout people in scenarios. I always forget about adding shadows, but it does look better when the characters are supposed to be in a realistic setting.
Use a drop shadow on a cutout person or object to give it depth, so it stands out in your eLearning layouts.
Use a drop shadow color to match the background.
<strong></strong>Use shadows below a standing cutout person, so they appear to be touching the ground.
&nbsp;Use depth of field to isolate a subject from other elements in a photo by blurring the foreground or background.
Use multiple cutout images to show different points in your eLearning presentation.
5 Quick Tips Using Cutout People Images - eLearning Brothers
10 Great Jobs Where You Can Work Completely from Home - Business Insider
10 Great Jobs Where You Can Work Completely from Home - Business Insider
Curriculum developer, online teacher, and SME are on their list. If we're designing learning that can be delivered virtually, there's no reason that we shouldn't be working virtually too. I wish more companies would see the benefit of this and allow more WFH.
10 Great Jobs Where You Can Work Completely from Home - Business Insider
How to Choose a Career | Career Key
How to Choose a Career | Career Key
General tips on how to choose a career, including links to a career test based on Holland's 6 personality types. (The test isn't free, but you can find less reliable free versions elsewhere.)
How to Choose a Career | Career Key
OQAR :: Home
OQAR :: Home
Online Quality Assurance Reviewer. Awkward name for a product, but it does similar functions to ReviewMyELearning. Reviewers can comment with each page of a course and IDs can collect feedback from everyone on the team. Unfortunately, they don't have a free trial, so there's no way to test it out and make sure it works for your courses without paying for it.
OQAR :: Home