Open access journal with a number of articles on active learning, blended learning, problem based learning, etc. (My sister-in-law is the copy editor.)
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Tanya Lau's detailed explanation of her presentation on "Flipping the conversation" to performance and performance support rather than focusing only on formal training content. Includes notes on how she recorded and edited video on her smartphone for the presentation. She gives credit to my post on "Selling Storytelling" as part of the inspiration for her presentation because of how I scripted conversation around business objectives and measurement.
How storytelling in training changes people. 5 elements of an effective story. | Training x Design
5 elements of a story structure: a beginning, middle, and end; a main character; the main character faces a challenge, the main character struggles, and the main character changes.
Online Course Development: What Does It Cost? -- Campus Technology
Time and cost estimates for online higher ed. The article and research are from 2004, and I expect these ratios have gone down in the last 10 years. The estimates here say it's a 10:1 ratio for faculty time and about $25K per credit hour.
Given the current campus infrastructure, personal knowledge tools, and the availability of digital content such as course cartridges, online cyber problems, and test banks, a recommended planning number today for experienced faculty is 10 hours per hour of instruction.
Tools for branching scenarios, from free and simple to expensive and complex. PDF, PowerPoint, BranchTrack, Inklewriter, Twine, Storyline, and SimWriter.
Timid Instructional Designers Deserve What They Get
When clients ask for crappy e-learning or provide unreasonable deadlines that don't allow for quality development, we need to push back. Being timid doesn't makes us team players, just pushovers. This is one of the benefits of freelance work for me--I can set boundaries and turn down the crappy jobs to focus on more rewarding work.
How to Share Your E-learning Course for Free With Google Drive - E-Learning Heroes
Step by step directions on sharing Articulate courses in Google Drive. This would be great for a portfolio. I haven't tested it, but the directions probably work for Captivate or other tools as well. An alternate (slightly simpler) set of directions for getting the hosting URL are here:
Connie Malamed shares her answers to a number of ID career questions she's received from readers, including transitioning from teaching, getting a second master's degree or certificate, and getting a first job in ID.
The Top 20 Most Popular LMS Software Solutions powered by Capterra
Capterra's analysis of top LMSs by customers, users, and social media popularity. Many people only review 2-3 LMSs before making a decision. This list gives people some additional choices to review while still being a manageable list. The explanation of their research is linked below the infographic.
Free Open Source LMSs are like Puzzles « E-Learning 24/7 Blog
Nice metaphor for working with free LMSs. Moodle can work "out of the box" for some small instances with limited needs but this description is a fairly typical experience of customization.
Sensei | A Learning Managment System for WordPress | WooThemes
Wrodpress plugin with some basic LMS functionality. User registration, course and lesson creation, quizzes, tuition, analytics. No SCORM compatibility (although that's planned for the future).
eLearning Guild Research: Gender Issues in Pay, or What You Don't Know Does Hurt You by Patti Shank : Learning Solutions Magazine
Patti Shank on the gender gap in e-learning pay (almost 10% lower on average). Educate yourself and do a better job negotiating your own salary, at least as one way to improve the issue.
Lifehacker's list of add ons for Google Docs and Sheets. HelloFax lets you fax documents (HelloSign lets you sign them). UberConference adds an audio conference call to a Google Doc so you can talk while collaborating. There's also an option to track changes like in Word