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How Much Do People Forget? – Work-Learning Research
How Much Do People Forget? – Work-Learning Research
This is the link I send people to debunk the blanket claims about "people forget X% after Y time." The reality is that how much people forget depends on who your audience is, what they're learning, and how you train them.
The amount a learner will forget varies depending on many things. We as learning professionals will be more effective if we make decisions based on a deep understanding of how to minimize forgetting and enhance remembering.
To be specific, when we hear statements like, “People will forget 60% of what they learned within 7 days,” we should ignore such advice and instead reflect on our own superiority and good looks until we are decidedly pleased with ourselves.
Many of the experiments reviewed in this report showed clearly that learning methods matter. For example, in the Bahrick 1979 study, the best learning methods produced an average forgetting score of -29% forgetting, whereas the worst learning methods produced forgetting at 47%, a swing of 76% points.
How Much Do People Forget? – Work-Learning Research
Stephen's Web ~ Managing the Complexity of Branching Scenarios ~ Stephen Downes
Stephen's Web ~ Managing the Complexity of Branching Scenarios ~ Stephen Downes
Stephen Downes comments in response to my post on managing the complexity of scenarios that merging paths makes it "more like a narration and less like a game." Is it bad for stories for learning and with specific learning objectives to be a bit more like a narration? Perhaps that's a feature, not a bug. Also, most video games do this to some extent. Mass Effect does not have 27 different endings, for example.
Twine (and similar systems) allow paths to merge, reducing the number of possibilities, but at the cost of making the scenario more like a narration and less like a game. 
Stephen's Web ~ Managing the Complexity of Branching Scenarios ~ Stephen Downes
Instructional Design and Technology | edX
Instructional Design and Technology | edX
Instructional Design and Technology "MicroMasters" through edX and UMUC. 4 courses, 8 weeks each, 4-6 hours per week. Around Free to try, $800 for verified credits. While I'm not sure how much hands on experience this program gives, it might be a good option for formal education for people looking for something less than a full masters program.
Instructional Design and Technology | edX
The 60-minute masters | Onlignment
The 60-minute masters | Onlignment
This was created in 2007 as a quick course in designing e-learning for SMEs. While the fully developed versions of the course seem to no longer be available, the scripts are here so you could create your own version. New instructional designers may benefit from reading the scripts and envisioning how they could create a course.
The 60-minute masters | Onlignment
52 eLearning Experts Share their Best Tip for Creating Engaging eLearning
52 eLearning Experts Share their Best Tip for Creating Engaging eLearning
My tip plus 51 others on creating engaging eLearning
Instead of only typical multiple choice questions, try mini-scenarios. Write a few sentences to set a scenario with a problem. A customer voices an objection, software displays an error message, or an employee asks a manager for help. Next, ask learners which action or response they would choose. Now you have a one-question decision-making scenario rather than just an abstract comprehension question. You can do this with any tool, and it creates a more interesting practice or assessment to engage learners.
52 eLearning Experts Share their Best Tip for Creating Engaging eLearning
A Learning Science Alternative to Bloom's Taxonomy by Brenda Sugrue : Learning Solutions Magazine
A Learning Science Alternative to Bloom's Taxonomy by Brenda Sugrue : Learning Solutions Magazine
Bloom's taxonomy sometimes creates unclear verb categorization and connection to assessments. This framework is focused on performance objectives and ties the type of knowledge to verbs, instructional strategies, and types of practice or assessment. This is partially drawn from Merrill's work. Procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge are handled differently.
A Learning Science Alternative to Bloom's Taxonomy by Brenda Sugrue : Learning Solutions Magazine
Secrets of Star Training Consultants | Training Magazine
Secrets of Star Training Consultants | Training Magazine
Preliminary findings from Saul Carliner and John Murray's research and interviews with "star consultants" in the field of learning
<p>Participants also indicated the types of assignment they feel are inappropriate for them. Most of the assignments refused could be characterized as “conventional.” Several participants specifically mentioned that they distance themselves from training about products and software to focus on more strategic projects.</p> <p>One participant avoids “order-taker projects.” </p>
Secrets of Star Training Consultants | Training Magazine
Tips from L&D pro Jane Bozarth
Tips from L&D pro Jane Bozarth
Lots of gems from Jane Bozarth here about elearning, instructional design, meaningful interactivity and engagement, social learning, PLNs, and more. This is a very quotable interview.
To “get” from a PLN you need to “give.”
I think that we are getting the idea of more interactivity, of more engaging real stuff, not just making it spin and zoom and move. And I think the authoring tools that have made that easier have certainly helped people understand that learners need to actually get their hands on the content in some way.
<p>You do not blame the hammer because the house fell down. It’s the person using the tool. It’s really about effective design. You can do fabulous stuff with PowerPoint. You can do dreadful stuff with PowerPoint. You can do dreadful stuff no matter the tool.</p> <p>In PowerPoint you can actually build nice little branching scenarios and reveals. You can make choices. You can do interactivity. There’s a lot of stuff that I think people just don’t take the time to learn.</p>
Tips from L&D pro Jane Bozarth
Nuts and Bolts: Read Up! by Jane Bozarth : Learning Solutions Magazine
Nuts and Bolts: Read Up! by Jane Bozarth : Learning Solutions Magazine
Even if you don't have a degree in instructional design (and maybe especially if you don't), you can improve your skills by reading deeply in more academic literature. Jane Bozarth shares some recommendations for authors to start with and strategies for finding sources.
You may find something that surprises or unsettles you. Or you may find something that confirms what you believe with data and not just some anecdotes or gut feelings. Some time spent here will help you move past “I think” or “it feels right” to “evidence shows.”
Nuts and Bolts: Read Up! by Jane Bozarth : Learning Solutions Magazine
3 Ways to Take Your Freelance Instructional Design Full-Time – Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed
3 Ways to Take Your Freelance Instructional Design Full-Time – Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed
Tips from an ID two months after moving to full time as a freelancer. I do think a portfolio is critical, especially for those just starting in the field or changing from another career. Having an active online presence and continuous learning are also great tips.
3 Ways to Take Your Freelance Instructional Design Full-Time – Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed
Where to Find Freelance Instructional Design Gigs - Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed
Where to Find Freelance Instructional Design Gigs - Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed

First hand experience from someone who has used multiple different sites and techniques to find freelance clients. I think the cold contacts really only works because she put in so much effort researching and targeting specific companies with customized messages; I doubt generic cold contacts would have done as much for her. Super fan-girling over here that @ChristyATucker linked to some of my posts! EEE! - Where to Find Freelance ID Gigs

Where to Find Freelance Instructional Design Gigs - Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed