8 Things You Should Include In Your Terms of Service Agreement
Contract elements for freelance designers. This is more for graphic/web designers, but it's all relevant to instructional designers too. The suggested interim charge cap is way too low for e-learning projects, but the principle is valid.
Discussion for Articulate freelancers with lots of shared tips and resources. Questions for potential clients, things to include in a terms of service agreement, when and how to say no to clients, managing risk, etc.
Online tool for converting PDF files to Word, Excel, PPT, etc. It does a good job of making text editable, but converts SmartArt as static graphics. It would work for small text edits in a presentation where you don't have the original PPT file, but if you had a lot of SmartArt to rebuild it wouldn't save much time. It might work better for Excel spreadsheets than the PPT I tested.
In edX courses, about 6 minutes is the maximum length students will watch. In traditional online graduate courses for credit, the length could be longer, but this is a good reminder to keep things short.
The optimal video length is 6 minutes or shorter -- students watched most of the way through these short videos. In fact, the average engagement time of any video maxes out at 6 minutes, regardless of its length. And engagement times decrease as videos lengthen: For instance, on average students spent around 3 minutes on videos that are longer than 12 minutes, which means that they engaged with less than a quarter of the content.
The answer to "how much does a course cost" is "it depends." Here's 5 factors affecting pricing for e-learning projects: project management, instructional design, multimedia development, interactivity, and SME availability.
Thoughts on pricing — Stuff & Nonsense, And All That Malarkey
An interesting model for freelance pricing. Instead of doing either fixed price or hourly/daily rates, he bills on weekly rate. For small projects with a clear scope, fixed price works fine, but this method might work better for complex projects with fluid requirements.
I've been using iGoogle as my home page. igHome looks like a good alternative with a good gadget selection, but there are several other choices here to check out.
Make your Moodle courses load faster without fiddling with the server | I Teach With Moodle | Sharing good practice using Moodle in and out of the classroom
5 Essential Qualifications to Look for in an Instructional Designer | WPLMS
Justin Ferriman's list of ID qualifications. I disagree with almost everything on his list. Justin misunderstands the role of IDs and thinks we need to be mini-SMEs with industry experience so we don't "annoy" SMEs with our questions. I've written a lengthy comment rebutting his arguments.
Unprotect a Word form easily, even without the password | Examiner.com
Great tip for unprotecting a Word form when you don't have the password, by inserting the text of the file into a new blank document. This gives you the form but without protection turned on. Useful if you need to clear out all form fields at once to reset a form to blank. Once you get the form unprotected, you can use the Reset Form Fields button on the Developer toolbar.
Excuses for Not Having a Portfolio | Ileighanne's Blog
List of common excuses IDs give for not having a portfolio, with responses and solutions. There's a list of portfolio resources at the end of the post.
Articulate - Word of Mouth Blog - Troubleshooting LMS Issues
Ways to troubleshoot Articulate publishing to the LMS, grouped by 3 major symptoms (content won't upload to the LMS, course doesn't play as expected, or tracking/reporting/resuming problems).
Bookshelf course created in Articulate Storyline. Basically a wrapper that lets people see multiple e-learning courses to show off what others have done for Storyline. You can download the template and you could use this for a portfolio or gallery of other work.