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Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool : NPR
Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool : NPR
A physics professor at Harvard discusses the improvements to learning results when he stopped lecturing and started using small group discussions and peer learning. He's using a more engaging and interactive way to teach even though he has large classes with 100+ students.
<p>At a recent class, the students — nearly 100 of them — are in small groups discussing a question. Three possible answers to the question are projected on a screen. Before the students start talking with one another, they use a mobile device to vote for their answer. Only 29 percent got it right. After talking for a few minutes, Mazur tells them to answer the question again.</p> <p>This time, 62 percent of the students get the question right. Next, Mazur leads a discussion about the reasoning behind the answer. The process then begins again with a new question. This is a method Mazur calls "peer Instruction." He now teaches all of his classes this way.</p> <p>"What we found over now close to 20 years of using this approach is that the learning gains at the end of the semester nearly triple," he says.</p>
<p>Mazur says the key is to get them to do the assigned reading — what he calls the "information-gathering" part of education — before they come to class.</p> <p>"In class, we work on trying to make sense of the information," Mazur says. "Because if you stop to think about it, that second part is actually the hardest part. And the information transfer, especially now that we live in an information age, is the easiest part."</p>
Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool : NPR
Top 5 Most Common Networking Mistakes |
Top 5 Most Common Networking Mistakes |
Common networking mistakes. The suggested strategy is to give before you take: "Giving is the only way to establish a real connection and relationship."
<p>Here’s what <em>not</em> to do when you’re trying to expand or leverage your network:</p> <p><b>1. Try to take before you give.</b> </p>
<b>2. Assume others should care about your needs.</b> &nbsp;
Care about others first; then, and only then, will they truly care back.
4. Assume tools create connections.
<b>5. Reach too high.</b>
The “status” level of your connections is irrelevant. All that matters is whether you can help each other reach your goals.
Top 5 Most Common Networking Mistakes |
Project Management for Instructional Designers
Project Management for Instructional Designers

Students in David Wiley's Project Management class remixed a textbook with an open license to customize it for instructional designers. They added new examples, photos, video interviews, and assessments. See the blog post for information on the project:

Moved to

Project Management for Instructional Designers
Cammy Bean's Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: eLearning and the Science of Instruction: A 10 Year Retrospection
Cammy Bean's Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: eLearning and the Science of Instruction: A 10 Year Retrospection
Kirchner (2011 study) – collaboration in problem solving – notes that collaboration takes cognitive resources.&nbsp; Do you benefit enough? If the problems are relatively easy, then learning better in a solo setting.&nbsp; If problems more complex, then collab will lead to better learning.
Cammy Bean's Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: eLearning and the Science of Instruction: A 10 Year Retrospection
How Expensive is Accessibility? | Karl Groves
How Expensive is Accessibility? | Karl Groves
Although this article doesn't give an answer to how much accessibility costs, it does list areas to consider when determining costs. It also provides tips on implementing accessibility effectively through iterative, agile design, focusing on high impact tasks first, rather than trying to do everything at once.
<p>Typically, you will find added costs in the following areas when it comes to integrating accessibility:</p> <ul> <li>Determining accessibility requirements for final deliverables</li> <li>Developing internal style guides and best practices</li> <li>Training staff</li> <li>Finding new toolsets</li> <li>Modifying existing codebases</li> <li>Additional QA time &amp; resources</li> <li>Consultant Fees/ Salary for an internal Subject Matter Expert</li></ul>
How Expensive is Accessibility? | Karl Groves
Big Dog, Little Dog: Learning Styles are for the individual, not group
Big Dog, Little Dog: Learning Styles are for the individual, not group
Interesting and thoughtful response to the eLearn Magazine article "Why Is the Research on Learning Styles Still Being Dismissed by Some Learning Leaders and Practitioners" by Guy Wallace. Donald ultimately agrees with the idea that instructional designers don't need to spend their time worrying about learning styles, but people who work with individual learners may find them valuable.
That is, when you analyze a group, the findings often suggest that learning styles are relative unimportant, however, when you look at an individual, then the learning style often distinguishes itself as a key component of being able to learn or not.
Thus the main take-away that I get from the paper if that if you are an instructor, manager, etc. who has to help the individual learners, then learning styles make sense. On the other hand, if you are an instructional designer or someone who directs her or his efforts at the group, then learning styles are probably not that important.
Big Dog, Little Dog: Learning Styles are for the individual, not group
Setting the Mood — Top Tips for Adding Stock Music to Your E-Learning | E-Learning Uncovered
Setting the Mood — Top Tips for Adding Stock Music to Your E-Learning | E-Learning Uncovered
Practical ideas for adding a little stock music to e-learning. It's probably not a good idea to add it behind narration, but a little bit of music might be beneficial in some situations. It can reinforce or shape the emotional feel of a moment in learning.
Setting the Mood — Top Tips for Adding Stock Music to Your E-Learning | E-Learning Uncovered
Curatr - Motivate your learners to truly engage with online learning
Curatr - Motivate your learners to truly engage with online learning
Tool for curating existing resources in a gamified learning experience. Lets learners explore resources at their own pace but with some structure from levels, badges, etc. Learners can comment on resources and discuss with each other. The free edition doesn't allow uploads, but you can link to content elsewhere online. The teacher edition has limited uploading but is still free for teachers. The corporate version is has more features but is costly.
Curatr - Motivate your learners to truly engage with online learning
Questions Asked & Answered: Analysis and e-Learning Design
Questions Asked & Answered: Analysis and e-Learning Design
Ethan Edwards recaps a webinar he gave on "The 5 Most Important Analysis Questions You'll Ever Ask." Suggestions on how to get what you need from SMEs
<p><b>Questions:</b></p> <ol> <li>What do you expect learners to be able to DO after completing the course that they can’t do now?</li> <li>What are the consequences TO THE LEARNER if the learner fails to master the intended outcomes?</li> <li>Can you show me an active demonstration, a detailed simulation, or provide an opportunity to directly observe the desired performance?</li> <li>What specific performance mistakes do new learners regularly make?</li> <li>What tools, resources, job aids, or help do successful performers (or even experts) use to do these tasks?</li></ol>
Questions Asked & Answered: Analysis and e-Learning Design
elearn Magazine: Why Is the Research on Learning Styles Still Being Dismissed by Some Learning Leaders and Practitioners?
elearn Magazine: Why Is the Research on Learning Styles Still Being Dismissed by Some Learning Leaders and Practitioners?
Comments from a number of experts dismissing learning styles, plus discussion on why we still talk about learning styles even though the research doesn't support it
elearn Magazine: Why Is the Research on Learning Styles Still Being Dismissed by Some Learning Leaders and Practitioners?
Animated vs. Static Learning Agents - My M.Ed. Capstone Research | onehundredfortywords
Animated vs. Static Learning Agents - My M.Ed. Capstone Research | onehundredfortywords
Judy Unrein researched animated and static learning agents and found no difference in animation. Learning agents have value, but this research points to no extra value for more expensive and time-consuming animation.
Animated vs. Static Learning Agents - My M.Ed. Capstone Research | onehundredfortywords
Design with Accessibility in Mind » oz: the blog of glenda sims ( the goodwitch)
Design with Accessibility in Mind » oz: the blog of glenda sims ( the goodwitch)
I'm not sure if the statistics on the increase in costs for accessible web design match exactly the costs for accessible e-learning design, but the reasons for designing e-learning with accessibility in mind are the same as given here. We're better off designing for accessibility right from the start than having to retrofit later.
Design with Accessibility in Mind » oz: the blog of glenda sims ( the goodwitch)