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WebAIM: Blog - 508 and Higher Ed.
WebAIM: Blog - 508 and Higher Ed.
An analysis of 100 web pages of higher ed institutions showed that only 3 of them met the Section 508 requirements. Most pages were missing skip navigation links and alt text.
In my opinion, good semantic structure is one of the most essential and overlooked accessibility issues. A clearly-structured site is usually easier to understand, navigate, and is more accessible to users, particularly those with cognitive disabilities.
WebAIM: Blog - 508 and Higher Ed.
Techdirt: Txt Spk In Schools Not A Big Deal
Techdirt: Txt Spk In Schools Not A Big Deal
Basically, the research shows that students do sometimes forget and let abbreviations from texting into other writing, but overall the technology use and writing students do improves their writing. Links to multiple studies done in the last several years.
In 2003, there was a study that showed that all this writing online was actually making kids <a href="">more comfortable</a> with writing in general. In 2004, a study showed (like this one) that with a little instruction kids easily <a href="">understood the difference</a> between texting and writing. In 2005, a study actually found that kids were <a href="">better writers</a> than in the past "using far more complex sentence structures, a wider vocabulary and a more accurate use of capital letters, punctuation and spelling" even if they sometimes let a txtism into their writing. And, in 2006, a study showed that students showed <a href="">no ill effects</a> from widespread text and IM messaging.
Techdirt: Txt Spk In Schools Not A Big Deal
Dave’s Whiteboard » Blog Archive » When you need incompetence fast
Dave’s Whiteboard » Blog Archive » When you need incompetence fast
Summary of a model for creating incompetence--i.e., what NOT to do
<p><em><strong>Information</strong></em></p> <ul> <li>Don’t let people know how well they’re performing.</li> <li>Give people misleading information about how well they’re performing.</li> <li>Hide from people what’s expected of them.</li> <li>Give people little or no guidance about how to perform well.</li></ul>
Dave’s Whiteboard » Blog Archive » When you need incompetence fast
Top News - Tech encourages students' social skills
Top News - Tech encourages students' social skills
Using technology with kindergarteners and first graders to support social constructivist learning. Registration required to read the whole article.
Well-integrated technology opens social networks for students and allows children to develop key social skills, according to two recent studies conducted by researchers at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Top News - Tech encourages students' social skills
Harold Jarche » Is Johnny Bunko Right?
Harold Jarche » Is Johnny Bunko Right?
Summary of the career advice in Daniel Pink's book "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko." Jarche would add to the list that many typical qualifications (like degrees and certificiates) don't really correlate with actual work.
The only job that a university degree directly qualifies you for is another university degree. Sitting in a classroom, writing essays and answering tests is not the workplace. Solving real problems, of importance to others, within existing constraints - is what most work is about.
Harold Jarche » Is Johnny Bunko Right?
The Bamboo Project Blog: 21st Century Workplace Literacy: What Does that Mean and How Do We Engage More People in the Discussion?
The Bamboo Project Blog: 21st Century Workplace Literacy: What Does that Mean and How Do We Engage More People in the Discussion?
Lots of educators talk about the 21st century literacy skills that students will need for the workplace, but how much input do they have from people outside of education? How do we get people to interact outside their usual circles?
The Bamboo Project Blog: 21st Century Workplace Literacy: What Does that Mean and How Do We Engage More People in the Discussion?
Building a collaborative workplace
Building a collaborative workplace
Collaboration in the workplace doesn't need to just be the formal, structured, team-based approach. This whitepaper also described "community collaboration," where people focus on learning rather than tasks and "network collaboration," such as the loose networks formed through social media. Includes a checklist for how collaborative an organizational culture is.
Building a collaborative workplace