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ChatGPT integration with Storyline for eLearning -Infinite Scenarios - YouTube
ChatGPT integration with Storyline for eLearning -Infinite Scenarios - YouTube
Garima Gupta shows an example of a scenario with an open-ended question rather than multiple choice. She uses Storyline for the front end and Javascript to call ChatGPT for the responses. This is more like an AI chatbot rather than a programmatic chatbot. This is done through a paid subscription service through her company, Artha Learning.
ChatGPT integration with Storyline for eLearning -Infinite Scenarios - YouTube
Usability Testing 101
Usability Testing 101
Introduction to usability testing. I've used this basic process (especially the "discount usability testing version"), or some adapted version of it, in several organizations. Mostly, I have used this with testing LMSs, but it works well for testing elearning too.
Usability Testing 101
GitHub - doughahn/chat-souffle: A learning guild xAPI project helping learning designers practice prompt engineering.
GitHub - doughahn/chat-souffle: A learning guild xAPI project helping learning designers practice prompt engineering.
Twine project that reports to xAPI. This is way more technical than the projects I have done, but they definitely got Twine reporting to an LRS. The files are all available openly, and there's a wiki explaining the process. The scenario itself is about using ChatGPT for writing multiple choice assessments.
GitHub - doughahn/chat-souffle: A learning guild xAPI project helping learning designers practice prompt engineering.
A lovely chat simulation built in Twine with the Trialogue story format where students can "chat" with characters about their lives in Iron Age and Roman era Scotland, England, and Wales. There's a teacher's guide as a supplement for classroom use.
Level-up Your Scenario-Based Learning With VR
Level-up Your Scenario-Based Learning With VR
Description of the benefits of immersive branching scenarios using VR and comparison with traditional 2D branching scenarios
When it comes to scenario-based VR learning, the branched narrative is veiled behind the presence, immersion, and interaction within the VR environment. The learner may very well be subject to a predefined set of pathways, but because of the experiential nature of VR, these branches may not be as obvious because they’re seamlessly woven into the VR experience.
Level-up Your Scenario-Based Learning With VR
An AI image generating tool for vector art and illustrations. This looks like it would be useful for creating icon or illustration variations on a theme while keeping a consistent color scheme. I also wonder if you could use it to create variations on vector character images for scenarios.
Character AI
Character AI
I haven't taken time to play with this yet, but AI chatbots like this feel like a very promising avenue for personalized learning. Many of the simulated conversations that we currently build as branching scenarios could be practiced with chatbots like this. Language learning is another relevant area. This is currently in beta, but looks worth exploring.
Character AI
Generate Quizzes In A Snap! - Quizbot
Generate Quizzes In A Snap! - Quizbot
Generate multiple choice questions based on your text quickly. Enter text of at least 1000 words and get questions. I think the questions will probably need some editing and definitely need review, but I can see the value of this for a first draft quiz.
Generate Quizzes In A Snap! - Quizbot
Interactivity Vs. Engagement: Going beyond meaningless clicks
Interactivity Vs. Engagement: Going beyond meaningless clicks
Jahan Kay clarifies the differences between interactivity and engagement, especially cognitive and emotional engagement. The article notes some types of interaction that may support cognitive engagement: scenario-based learning, simulations, discussions, and social interaction.
But the real value of interactivity doesn't lie in the number of physical interactions. It's about the depth of cognitive engagement these interactions can ignite.
Interactivity Vs. Engagement: Going beyond meaningless clicks
ThingLink: Create unique experiences with interactive images, videos & 360° media
ThingLink: Create unique experiences with interactive images, videos & 360° media

Branching scenario tool for simulations, interactive videos, and more. This has a clear emphasis on both including a range of multimedia plus tracking interaction data.

However, the way they track data is by hosting it themselves, which affects the pricing model. The pricing is $4/user/month–which seems really high to me, considering that’s more than some full-blown LMSs that can host hundreds of courses. They have a minimum of 50 users, which means the minimum cost is $200/month. Even if the tool is great, I think that’s would be a hard sell for most organizations.

ThingLink: Create unique experiences with interactive images, videos & 360° media
Callmetak | Freepik
Callmetak | Freepik
Illustrator with several sets character images that can be used for scenarios. Search for character or avatar. Some are free with attribution, some are paid.
Callmetak | Freepik
Yes, but; No, and; etc.
Yes, but; No, and; etc.
Old discussion on reddit about a game design mechanic that helps go beyond yes and no by adding complications. Some of these have 6 options, which is too many for a branching scenario, but a smaller version of the model could work. Maybe Yes, Yes but, No with 3 choices: Yes you succeed, Yes you succeed but with a complication, or No, you don't succeed and have a negative consequence.
<li class="_3gqTEjt4x9UIIpWiro7YXz"><p class="_1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM">No, and...</p></li><li class="_3gqTEjt4x9UIIpWiro7YXz"><p class="_1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM">No.</p></li><li class="_3gqTEjt4x9UIIpWiro7YXz"><p class="_1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM">No, but...</p></li><li class="_3gqTEjt4x9UIIpWiro7YXz"><p class="_1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM">Yes but...</p></li><li class="_3gqTEjt4x9UIIpWiro7YXz"><p class="_1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM">Yes.</p></li><li class="_3gqTEjt4x9UIIpWiro7YXz"><p class="_1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM">Yes and...</p></li>
Yes, but; No, and; etc.
ChatGPT Prompts for Business Videos | ChatGPT Script Prompts
ChatGPT Prompts for Business Videos | ChatGPT Script Prompts
20 sample prompts for scripting animated videos. 5 of these are specifically in their L&D category; some of the HR and other prompts are also relevant to training. The most useful part of this article may be the Sample Script Makeover at the end though, showing the process of using ChatGPT for a first draft but also explaining how to revise and improve the script. That's how many of us will be using these tools: as a first draft that we need to revise.
ChatGPT Prompts for Business Videos | ChatGPT Script Prompts
Designing eLearning Games Using Interactive Stories - Scissortail Creative Services, LLC
Designing eLearning Games Using Interactive Stories - Scissortail Creative Services, LLC
Kayleen Holt shares 6 questions to consider when designing elearning games that incorporate interactive stories.
<p>When designing eLearning games using interactive stories, ask yourself the following six questions:</p><ol><li><strong>What’s the point?</strong> Be clear about the learning goal.</li><li><strong>Does it matter?</strong> Make sure the story is realistic, relevant, and tied to the learning goal.</li><li><strong>Is it fun?</strong> Slapping a leaderboard onto a course doesn’t make it a game. Games need to be fun. Test the fun factor by getting input from learners.</li><li><strong>Does it make sense?</strong> Take time to get the script right in the beginning, and check it with every change to make sure all the branching paths still make sense.</li><li><strong>Is it immersive?</strong> Don’t pull your learner out of the story. Show, don’t tell. Use high-quality visual design and audio (if narrated). And don’t preach.</li><li><strong>Does it exclude anyone?</strong> Include diverse characters and avoid stereotypes. Use inclusive language, and design with accessibility in mind.</li></ol>
Designing eLearning Games Using Interactive Stories - Scissortail Creative Services, LLC
The Magic Email - Closing the Loop
The Magic Email - Closing the Loop
The "magic email" is a template for getting prospective clients to respond to you even if they've been ghosting you for weeks (or even months). The intro of the article talks about sending it in September, but it really works at any time of year. I've used this, or variations of it, with several clients, and it's amazing how quick people respond and how high of a success rate this has.
The Magic Email - Closing the Loop
ChatGPT for ID: Automate mini-scenario creation — Educraft
ChatGPT for ID: Automate mini-scenario creation — Educraft
This post has example prompts for creating mini-scenarios. This doesn't actually follow Cathy Moore's "Map It" approach, regardless of the claims in the article and the mention in the post. (The prompt creates dialogue for the scenario, so it ends up creating a conversation about what action to take rather than a decision to actually take an action. They also include instructional feedback rather than just intrinsic feedback, which isn't part of Cathy's typical approach.) But, even though it's not quite Cathy Moore's mini-scenario approach, it is a pretty good prompt for a scenario, and you could genuinely use this with some tweaking and verification.
ChatGPT for ID: Automate mini-scenario creation — Educraft
Deskilling on the Job | danah boyd | apophenia
Deskilling on the Job | danah boyd | apophenia
Reflection from danah boyd on how AI might affect work as it augments jobs. If AI is doing large parts of the easy work in jobs, how do new people in a field gain skills? How do we help people maintain skills they need during a crisis if AI is doing those tasks when they are routine? There are no clear answers here, but I appreciate the thoughtful questions.
Deskilling on the Job | danah boyd | apophenia