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Fair Use Worth More to Economy Than Copyright, CCIA Says -- Copyright -- InformationWeek
Fair Use Worth More to Economy Than Copyright, CCIA Says -- Copyright -- InformationWeek
"Much of the unprecedented economic growth of the past 10 years can actually be credited to the doctrine of fair use, as the Internet itself depends on the ability to use content in a limited and nonlicensed manner," CCIA president and CEO Ed Black said in a statement. "To stay on the edge of innovation and productivity, we must keep fair use as one of the cornerstones for creativity, innovation, and, as today's study indicates, an engine for growth for our country."
Recent studies indicate that the value added to the U.S. economy by copyright industries amounts to $1.3 trillion, said Black. The value added to the U.S. economy by the fair use amounts to $2.2 trillion.
Fair Use Worth More to Economy Than Copyright, CCIA Says -- Copyright -- InformationWeek
No Significant Difference And Distance Education ::'s Daily News :: Technology, Teaching, News, Research
No Significant Difference And Distance Education ::'s Daily News :: Technology, Teaching, News, Research
It is not whether we can meet the same learning outcomes <br> with technology, but how do we use the technologies to enrich the experience, to go beyond what can be done in the face-to-face or other delivery environment.
No Significant Difference And Distance Education ::'s Daily News :: Technology, Teaching, News, Research
WebSlides - Transforms Bookmarks Once Again
WebSlides - Transforms Bookmarks Once Again
<li>Create guided tours of websites</li> <li>Display a list of houses or other products to clients</li> <li>Bundle education resources or research data </li> <li>Make shows of favorite places when visiting or traveling</li> <li>Create briefings or tutorials and tours on virtually any subject</li> <li>Present a whole series of news stories on a topic to digg or and others for scrutiny </li> <li>Interactively submit "collections" of stories and data</li>
WebSlides - Transforms Bookmarks Once Again
incorporated subversion » Blog Archive » Be quiet, listen to me, I know what you need…
incorporated subversion » Blog Archive » Be quiet, listen to me, I know what you need…
Oh, I can hardly bear to go on… in fact I can’t, so I’ll finish here, except to say that that such an interesting overview of a slice of ed tech history has rarely, if ever, been followed by such a reactionary, limited and incomplete ivory-towered, condescending and ill-informed argument (if you can call it that).
incorporated subversion » Blog Archive » Be quiet, listen to me, I know what you need…
edublogs: The cult of the amateur and how internet changes our culture
edublogs: The cult of the amateur and how internet changes our culture
Heck, as an absolute amateur in everything I do I've noticed that, in this day and age, being expert is not about getting more and more knowledgeable about a narrower and narrower field. It's all about being as clued up on the reasoning behind a wider and wider range of fields. Expertise has been redefined. It's just that academics like Keen have trouble swallowing it. There, folks, is the real digital divide.
edublogs: The cult of the amateur and how internet changes our culture
2¢ Worth » Teachers & Technology — a rant!
2¢ Worth » Teachers & Technology — a rant!
For several years, many of us have been trying to make a case for thinking about education in new ways, largely as a result of technological advancements and their affects on how we use information.&nbsp; I think that many education leaders are listening now.&nbsp; I think that they are ready for clear images and stories about 21st century classrooms and what teachers and students should be doing to better prepare a generation of new century citizens.
I almost lost it when I read, in Cheryl Oats’ comment, “<em>..someone told me they didn’t want to learn one more new thing, they didn’t like new things..</em>“&nbsp; I would want to ask, “You call yourself a teacher?”&nbsp; Who more than teachers should be willing and eager to learn new things?
2¢ Worth » Teachers & Technology — a rant!