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Connectivism Blog: Networks, Ecologies, and Curatorial Teaching
Connectivism Blog: Networks, Ecologies, and Curatorial Teaching
Consider our happy little edublogger world. Some members have been blogging for a long time (notably Stephen Downes, Will Richardson, Jay Cross). Through their established networks, they can serve important roles of guiding and directing others to resources and concepts. Their experience enables them to put new developments into a historical context. They assist others to create networks...but they do more. They serve as curators of ideas, connections, philosophies, and world views. They create frameworks of interpreting and understanding history, new technologies, and trends through their work and public dialogue.
Connectivism Blog: Networks, Ecologies, and Curatorial Teaching
Facebook and the Enterprise: Part 5: Knowledge Management | confused of calcutta
Facebook and the Enterprise: Part 5: Knowledge Management | confused of calcutta
<p>I believe there are three primary reasons why an enterprise would want to “manage its knowledge”:</p> <p>One, to share learning, so that the same mistake is not made multiple times.</p> <p>Two, to share learning, so that activities get sped up.</p> <p>Three, to share learning, so that people are motivated to learn and to teach.</p> <p>To share learning.</p>
Knowledge management is not really about the content, it is about creating an environment where learning takes place. Maybe we spend too much time trying to create an environment where teaching takes place, rather than focus on the learning.
Facebook and the Enterprise: Part 5: Knowledge Management | confused of calcutta
Cognitive Daily: Does racial diversity help students learn?
Cognitive Daily: Does racial diversity help students learn?
By far the researchers' most significant finding was one that simply matched previous research: students who had a more racially diverse group of friends and classmates <em>outside</em> of the study tended to write essays with higher ICs. Again, however, this finding is only a correlation, and cannot on its own show that racial diversity improves learning.
Cognitive Daily: Does racial diversity help students learn?
StoryBoard Mind: The Use Of Tools... and Friction
StoryBoard Mind: The Use Of Tools... and Friction
I was touched by her comment of near resignation when she says "<em>Besides, I know that realistically our organization is not going to stop using a traditional LMS, so this is a thought exercise for me."</em> Christy, the hope of friendlier, more useful and adaptive tools is thankfully a 'thought exercise' for most of us. Those ideas will spawn the tools that will swallow your LMS.
StoryBoard Mind: The Use Of Tools... and Friction
The Internet's new Dr. Spock? | Tech News on ZDNet
The Internet's new Dr. Spock? | Tech News on ZDNet
The research suggests that kids who live online understand the process by which knowledge is produced and shared in an online environment, whereas those kids who come in within 10 minutes, they're trying to get the answer and get off. So they're not as critical of a corporate Web site, for example. That's just one example of some fundamental inequalities in access to social skills and culture competencies between the information-haves and have-nots.
Really this becomes the basis for the new hidden curriculum. We now must say those kids who are raised in an environment where they have regular access to the online worldï¿??have a different way of learning that prepares them for school--to do better in school and in life--than those kids who were being left out.
The Internet's new Dr. Spock? | Tech News on ZDNet
Scholar360 - Learner Management System and Integrated Peer Network
Scholar360 - Learner Management System and Integrated Peer Network
The Scholar360 Network Learning Environment integrates the best features of a learning management system with the best features of a social network. Instructors can teach online courses, dialog with students via discussion boards and blogs, manage automated tests, lessons and grading. Students can share files, build an eportfolio, blog, build a peer and mentor network.
Scholar360 - Learner Management System and Integrated Peer Network
ASCD Blog: My Back Pages: Aesthetic Literacy
ASCD Blog: My Back Pages: Aesthetic Literacy
Arguing for the development of aesthetic literacy, Sykes states, "What is at stake is not just another course in the curriculum but the recognition that the qualitative dimension of life, the sense of who we are as human beings, has a place in general education."
ASCD Blog: My Back Pages: Aesthetic Literacy