SecondLife Drama: The Unofficial Complete Fool's Guide to Second Life
IRRODL Vol 8, No 2 (2007): Mobile Learning
Will at Work Learning: People remember 10%, 20%...Oh Really?
Educating the Net Generation | Resources | EDUCAUSE
Eide Neurolearning Blog: Voluntary Control of Attention - Visual and Auditory Multi-Tasking
There is a yin and yang effect between visual and auditory attention. When one is looking, then auditory processing areas go down, and when one is listening, then visual processing areas go down. Mixed visual-auditory stimuli have an underadditive effect, so that if you have to do both at the same time, total brain activation goes down, and interestingly, language processing becomes more left hemisphere-dominant.
So Who Exactly IS Coming to Dinner? (Take the Survey) : Bump on the Blog
Donald Clark Plan B: Gagne's Nine Dull Commandments
<strong>2 Stating the objective</strong><br>Now bore the learner stupid with a list of learning objectives (really trainerspeak). Give the plot away and remind them of how really boring this course is going to be.
Adobe - Accessibility Resource Center
WebAIM: Creating Accessible Macromedia Flash Content
Internet breathes life into dying languages | Lifestyle | Reuters
"To put it into perspective only two to four percent of the world's botanical and zoological species are in serious danger, whereas it's 50 percent of languages. The language crisis hasn't attracted the same degree of public awareness".
freesound :: home page
Free Sound Effects
FindSounds - Search the Web for Sounds
Vitamin Features » Web Design-isms: 7 Surefire Styles that Work
kurt squire's research: Designing Game-Based Learning Environments
Mark's edtechblog: Third graders on blogging
Directory of E-Learning Tools: File storage and sharing tools
These tools are for users to store files (whether it be
documents, images, videos etc), to tag them and to share them with
Bill Kerr: what did the printing press change and how quickly did those changes happen?
the book ushered in a whole new way of thinking - scientific thinking<br><br>How quickly did those changes happen?
Mashups - Open, Connected, and Social
EDUCAUSE Quarterly | E-Learning at a Crossroads—What Price Quality?
Interwebby » Blog Archive » Close a window or tab in Firefox with JavaScript…
Adobe Captivate - General Discussion (close window)
Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning
The fundamental idea underlying engagement theory is that students must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks.
Web Teaching Articles: Taking discussion online
How Interactive are YOUR Distance Courses
However, studies such as
one by Miller and Webster (1997, December) have found no significant
difference in assessments of interaction between students in
a synchronous (face-to-face) and asynchronous courses. Horn (1994)
and Hirumi and Bermudez (1996) are among those who find that,
with proper instructional design, distance courses actually can
be more interactive than traditional ones, providing more personal
and timely feedback to meet students’ needs than is possible
in large, face-to-face courses.
Historic Maps
Inter/National Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research |
The Bamboo Project Blog: 5 Uses for a Wiki at Work