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Asynchronous Audio Feedback to Enhance Teaching Presence and Students’ Sense of Community
Asynchronous Audio Feedback to Enhance Teaching Presence and Students’ Sense of Community
1. Audio feedback was perceived to be more effective than text-based feedback for conveying nuance; 2. Audio feedback was associated with feelings of increased involvement and enhanced learning community interactions; 3. Audio feedback was associated with increased retention of content; and 4. Audio feedback was associated with the perception that the instructor cared more about the student. Document analysis revealed that students were three times more likely to apply content for which audio commenting was provided in class projects than was the case for content for which text based commenting was provided. Audio commenting was also found to significantly increase the level at which students applied such content.
Asynchronous Audio Feedback to Enhance Teaching Presence and Students’ Sense of Community
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
<strong>Users recognize each page as belonging to the site</strong>
<strong>Users can move about easily via intuitive navigation</strong>
<p>The most important thing to keep in mind is that design is about communication. If you create a web site that works and presents information well, but looks ugly or doesn't fit with the client's brand, no one will want to use it. Similarly, if you make a beautiful web site that isn't usable and <a href="" class="\&quot;glossary\&quot;" title="\&quot;Accessibility" deals="" with="" issues="" of="" making="" online="" content="" available="" for="" experience,="" enjoyment,="" and="" use="" by="" all="" visitors,="" including="" those="" who="" do="" not="" fit="" the="" standard="" &quot;web="" user&quot;="" mould.\="">accessible</a> <span class="tiny">[7]</span>, people may not be able to use it. Indeed, the elements and functionality of a finished web site design should work as a single cohesive unit, so that:</p> <p><strong>Users are pleased by the design but drawn to the content</strong></p>
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
2 Cents Worth » Literacy & Learning in San Antonio
2 Cents Worth » Literacy & Learning in San Antonio
to teach, you have to approach an issue from all directions, and then push it up against all pressure points — text, sound, images, video.&nbsp; Knowledge is a key, and the tumblers of the learners mind are nuanced.&nbsp; It takes many grooves that are precisely machined, to align ideas into knowledge.
2 Cents Worth » Literacy & Learning in San Antonio
Claroline . NET - Home
Claroline . NET - Home
Claroline is an <strong>Open Source eLearning and eWorking platform</strong> allowing organizations to build effective online courses and to manage learning and collaborative activities on the web. Translated into 35 languages, Claroline has a large worldwide users’ and developers’ community.
Claroline . NET - Home
Teaching Discrete Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources
Teaching Discrete Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources
<p><cite><b> WHAT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS AND OF THE PARTICULAR SUBJECT CAN OFFER US: </b></cite> </p><ul> <li>A human vision of science and of mathematics: not just truths, methods, techniques coming from nowhere, not just facts and skills without soul, without history, but the results of the efforts of persons motivated by deep interest and passion; not as godlike science, but human and so incomplete and fallible; the human side of the great discoveries and discoverers.</li> <p></p><li>A frame in which all elements appear in their right place: not facts centuries apart in their origin presented together in the same bag without a single remark, but explorations in their own context and with their own motivation; past fashions in order to be able to understand present fashions; the deep connections along time of the different leitmotivs of the mathematical symphony.</li> <p></p><li>A dynamical vision of the evolution of mathematics: the motivation and driving forces at the roots of the ideas and methods of the subject; the primordial creativity around each particular subject, its genesis and its progress</li></ul>
Teaching Discrete Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources
How to Search the Invisible Web - Lifehacker
How to Search the Invisible Web - Lifehacker
The term "invisible web" or "deep web" refers to the vast repository of information that search engines and directories don't have direct access to, like databases at university libraries, sites that require passwords to view, or sites that for some reason don't want search engines to crawl them. Unlike pages on the visible Web (that is, the Web that you can access from search engines and directories), information in databases is generally inaccessible to the software spiders and crawlers that create search engine indexes.
How to Search the Invisible Web - Lifehacker