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Welcome to Innovations in e-Learning
Quality Matters
Wikis and Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool
Inkscape. Draw Freely.
NETS for Teachers
Those Dark Hiding Places: The Invisible Web Revealed
hoefler » Research 2.0
Eyetracking points the way to effective news article design
What if you could engage users in a story for about half the time, yet have them remember about 34 percent more of the content?
Introductory Course Makeovers
<p>The models stress online assessment that provides immediate feedback to instructors. Administrators can monitor tests given to students before the course redesign and after to measure their subject knowledge.</p>
<p>The idea, says Carol A. Twigg, president and chief executive of NCAT, is to structure courses so that both student and instructor time is best used.</p>
NCAT has identified several
<a href="http://www.center.rpi.edu/PlanRes/R2R_ModCrsRed.htm" target="_blank">redesign models</a>, all of which adhere to the principle that students need more than just traditional lectures.
ScienceDaily: Music Training 'Tunes' Human Auditory System
The study, which will appear in the April issue of Nature Neuroscience, is the first to provide concrete evidence that playing a musical instrument significantly enhances the brainstem's sensitivity to speech sounds. This finding has broad implications because it applies to sound encoding skills involved not only in music but also in language.
Social Science Statistics Blog: Which Color for your Figure?
Office 2.0 Database
Horizon Project 2007 Wiki
Instructional Text in the User Interface: Some Counterintuitive Implications of User Behaviors :: UXmatters
GCensus: Using Google Earth for Census Analysis
20 must-have Firefox extensions
Whether you're looking for more streamlined surfing, improved look and feel, cool design tools or serious Web development help, there's something (and more than likely several things) here for you.
Google Lit Trips
The New Face of Learning
Literary Worlds Index
Content Search: Use Cases at Sims Learning Connections
Inside Higher Ed :: Teaching Without Textbooks
Sloan-C - K-12 Online Learning Survey
IWorlds Simulations
EASI: Equal Access to Software and Information
Web 2.0 for the Classroom Teacher
Avid: Professional DV Editing for the enthusiast
Yotophoto | Find free photos... fast!
Yotophoto is now indexing well over a quarter million Creative Commons, Public Domain, GNU FDL, and various other 'copyleft' images.
Structure, Content, Delivery, Service, and Outcomes: Quality e-Learning in higher education