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Learnexus is a platform for freelancers to find projects and clients to find freelancers. It's focused on instructional designers and elearning developers, rather than being a general freelancer site like UpWork. They also screen freelancers, so they are hopefully filtering out some of the folks at the low end of the market. The site is new though, so the pool of people and projects is small currently.
Designing Scenario-Based Learning for Skill Development | Learning Solutions Magazine
Designing Scenario-Based Learning for Skill Development | Learning Solutions Magazine
This article from Bill Brandon gives an overview of the development sequence for scenario-based learning, plus a preview of my session on Streamlining Branching Scenario Planning and Design.
<a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_source=link">Scenario-based learning</a> (SBL) and the inclusion of practice with feedback are much more effective approaches to the development of skill and competence.
Designing Scenario-Based Learning for Skill Development | Learning Solutions Magazine
Company that creates "High-Res eLearning": virtual environments with very high resolution photos that you can zoom in and explore. Click hot spots to move around or select objects. You can add multiple choice questions or link to other resources and activities. Currently all custom development, but this is good inspiration for creating similar projects in other tools (maybe without the high res zooming).
An H5P Branching Scenario That Might Break the Boat – CogDogBlog
An H5P Branching Scenario That Might Break the Boat – CogDogBlog
Alan Levine built this very complex branching scenario in H5P and Pressbooks. This includes some scenario images and descriptions, plus a separate tracker where you have to fill out forms with info and keep track of finances and other notes. Alan's blog post explains how he built the random events (which were originally a card draw in the physical version).
An H5P Branching Scenario That Might Break the Boat – CogDogBlog
The State and Future of Learning & Development in 2021: See What the Experts Think!
The State and Future of Learning & Development in 2021: See What the Experts Think!
Jeffrey Dalto collected responses from a number of L&D professionals for insights on how COVID-19 has affected L&D and how this affects the future trends for the field.
We’d like to thank all of the contributors for sharing their time, knowledge, and insight. They include Connie Malamed, Arun Pradhan, Patti Shank, Cara North, Clark Quinn, Stella Lee, Zsolt Olah, Julie Dirksen, Mike Taylor, Jacinta Penn, Guy Wallace, Emily Wood, Kassy Laborie, Alexander Salas, Michelle Ockers, Shannon Tipton, Christy Tucker, Linda Berberich, and Richard (Dick) Clark.
The State and Future of Learning & Development in 2021: See What the Experts Think!
Decisions, Decisions! – Engage Brain and Train!
Decisions, Decisions! – Engage Brain and Train!
A humorous Choose Your Own Adventure branching scenario sample by Jonathan Hill. The look and feel matches the classic books. Jonathan includes a tip to consider adding decisions in the beginning that have no impact on the outcome (just a cosmetic change), but provide a tutorial or practice on using the controls.
Decisions, Decisions! – Engage Brain and Train!
Opinion | Your Friend Doesn’t Want the Vaccine. What Do You Say? - The New York Times
Opinion | Your Friend Doesn’t Want the Vaccine. What Do You Say? - The New York Times
This is an example of a chatbot simulation to teach people how to persuade people to get vaccinated using motivational interviewing techniques. This includes immediate feedback after each choice, right or wrong (appropriate for an audience with zero background in motivational interviewing, even if it breaks up the conversation). The branching structure is a simple gauntlet. After each wrong choice, you get feedback and then are forced to pick the correct choice to continue the conversation.
Opinion | Your Friend Doesn’t Want the Vaccine. What Do You Say? - The New York Times
E-learning templates and assets | Who's your ADDIE?
E-learning templates and assets | Who's your ADDIE?
Marketplace for buying and selling elearning templates and assets. Think of this like a "teachers pay teachers" for IDs and elearning developers. If you have a few things you'd like to see but don't want to set up your own website to sell them, you can use this site.
E-learning templates and assets | Who's your ADDIE?
In this sample, Tracy used Storyline to simulate the look and feel of BranchTrack. The choices are styled with numbers and text like BranchTrack, and the push transition between slides mimics the effect between choices. If you don't have BranchTrack but like that style, this shows how you can accomplish the same effect in Storyline. This could be used for a lot of branching scenarios or short sims.
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion
This is a summary of a project at the University of Toronto using Twine to create an educational game, plus an overview of Twine.
Although Twine is a tool for creating “games”, this project goes beyond games and gamification to think creatively about how the functions of Twine can be used to create activities that allow students to more directly engage with learning content in a hands-on experiential format that may not be possible in a traditional classroom learning space.
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
Cara North breaks down the expenses to get started freelancing, using her actual costs plus a few alternatives. For setting up an LLC, website, hardware, software, and professional development, you can expect to spend a few thousand dollars in the first year.
So how much does it cost to start as a freelance instructional designer? My estimate is between $3000 and $5000.
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
6 Things Video Games Can Teach You About Writing Engaging Scenarios - E-Learning Heroes
6 Things Video Games Can Teach You About Writing Engaging Scenarios - E-Learning Heroes
Tips for writing engaging scenarios, plus examples from specific games
Now, this isn’t to say your scenario’s aesthetics are meaningless. It’s more that if you have a limited amount of time and resources, it’s best to focus on crafting the story and keep the look and feel simple.
<p>When it doesn’t take much thinking to identify the correct choice, it quickly becomes boring.</p> <p>Instead, it’s better to give your audience challenging yet realistic decisions to ponder. Things that make them think hard about what the best option could be. </p>
So what’s the best way to avoid clunky 90’s video game dialogue in your scenarios? Read your script out loud as you’re drafting it. If it sounds weird as you say it, that’s a good sign that it could use reworking.
Fun is a crucial part of what makes game-like experiences like scenarios so engaging. Just make sure that the majority of the fun serves to reinforce the project’s learning goals.
6 Things Video Games Can Teach You About Writing Engaging Scenarios - E-Learning Heroes
Write better elearning scenarios: active or descriptive choices – Learningworld Design
Write better elearning scenarios: active or descriptive choices – Learningworld Design
In branching scenarios, descriptive choices "You tell him he is right" feel very different than active choices ""You're right!" I agree with the author that there are no hard and fast rules in branching scenarios; there are times that both can be used effectively.
The most important aspect of branching scenarios and interactive stories are the choices presented to the player/learner. Choices are what make interactive stories different from other creative writing outputs such as novels, plays and movies.
Choices can feel totally different to a player depending on how they are written, even if they seem to have the same outcome.
Write better elearning scenarios: active or descriptive choices – Learningworld Design
Online Course Side Hustle tips
Online Course Side Hustle tips
LinkedIn post by Dr. Philippa Hardman with tips for creating an online course as a side hustle. While I don't think most people are going to be making the kinds of profit she is, the pricing tiers made sense to me. More time spent by the instructor and lower ratios = higher prices.
Course creators consistently under value their courses. Completion rates are 61% higher when online courses cost $200 or higher. Per-seat prices are higher when courses offer a "beyond YouTube" experience - i.e. participation, creation &amp; connection.<br><br>These tiers work well for me: <br><br>Premium: ~4 hrs of my time per week: £500-£1k per seat, cohort-instructor ratio of 1:20 <br><br>Mid: ~1-3 hrs of my time per per week: £250-£500 per seat, cohort-instructor ratio of 1:50 <br><br>Scale: ~1-3 hrs of my time per per month: £100-£250 per seat, cohort-instructor ratio of 1:infinite
Online Course Side Hustle tips