A Habit-based Approach to Racial Bias | Usable Learning
Summary of research that successfully reduced implicit bias by helping people recognize their bias and establish new habits for behavior. Several strategies are described, including taking others' perspective and using positive counter examples.
The Human Factor: How Gender Differences Matter in Software Training by Mary Arnold : Learning Solutions Magazine
If your software training includes time to explore or "tinker," men and women will have different rates of success. A strategic approach may be better than going through individual features. This research focused on adding new features with an audience who was already familiar with the software; I'm not sure the same training technique would work with beginners with an application.
Tinkering with the spreadsheets
seems to be a reasonable approach to working with a new problem, in line with
generating and testing alternative strategies to find a solution. In other words, learning. Women who tinkered with the spreadsheets
seemed to be doing just that, and, for them, tinkering predicted more effective
problem solving. Counter-intuitively,
though, when men tinkered with the spreadsheet, they were <i>less</i> effective in correcting the errors. The opposite results seem attributable to the
fact that women paused before trying something else, long enough to process the
In the final experiment,
researchers provided a different kind of tutorial — one that emphasized a
strategic, rather than a feature-by-feature approach to the problem.
Women who participated in this
condition were almost as likely to use the new features as the men in the same
study, and were able to solve more problems more quickly than women who didn’t
use the new features. Men in this
condition were not significantly helped or hindered, which means that it’s
possible to prevent a bias against women without introducing a bias against men.
Will at Work Learning: New Research Report on Using Culturally, Linguistically, and Situationally Relevant Scenarios
Research on how to support learning with scenarios that are relevant to the specific situation. Even though this is explicitly about workplace training, the major recommendations could be adapted for instructional design in education contexts too.
Utilize decision-making scenarios. Consider using them not just in a minor role—for example at the end of a section—but integrated into the main narrative of your learning design.
Determine the most important points you want to get across AND the most important situations in which these points are critical. Then, provide extra repetitions spaced over time on these key points and situations.
JALN: Does one size fit all? Exploring Asynchronous learning in a multicultural environment
Small-scale study of cultural differences in an asynchronous learning environment, focusing on high and low context cultures. Includes a comparison of student perceptions of online learning based on their cultural background. High and low context learners both saw advantages to online learning, but their reasons differ.
Because computer mediated communications is language (specifically, written
word) dependant, it is subject to the constraints of low/high context
cultural patterns <a href="#morse46">[46]</a>. As indicated earlier, the
role of language is to carry meaning, and interpretation is an integral
part of culture. Language is one means of establishing context among participants
of a particular culture group. In low context cultures, language must
be specific and well defined, to provide the contextual definition in
which to interpret the communication. On the other hand, in a high context
culture language may be vague, lacking the specificity of the low context
culture, as the environment within which communication takes place clarifies
the specific meaning of language <a href="#morse36">[36,</a> <a href="#morse41">41]</a>.
Thus language plays a key role in the communication process. A key issue
determining the success of computer mediated communication is the encoding/decoding
by which that communication is done. Given that computer-mediated communication
is a textual (electronic) rather than a visual (face-to-face) medium,
meaning must be carried by the language itself rather than relying on
the environmental context as the means of communication and/or interpretation.
Given this relationship, because the language of communication is English,
low context communication is presumed, thus perhaps disadvantaging those
whose cultural background relies on high context communication.
low context participants concentrate on the participation environment,
while high context participants concentrate on their individual work/effort
and/or skills in the discussion.
however, the responses indicate that cultural background directly influences
the priority of perceived benefits received and challenges posed from
the same asynchronous communication network. The perceptions are based
on learning patterns which are developed as part of a participants’
ethnic/cultural development, and are potentially challenged by participation
in an asynchronous communication network, which of itself is implicitly
culturally based. Further, high context participants in an asynchronously
delivered seminar, while assured of higher quality participation through
an offline ability to infer meaning through low context communications,
are at least initially more likely to be disadvantaged by technology differences
as well as the communications norms implicit in their cultural background.
Cognitive Daily: Does racial diversity help students learn?
By far the researchers' most significant finding was one that simply matched previous research: students who had a more racially diverse group of friends and classmates <em>outside</em> of the study tended to write essays with higher ICs. Again, however, this finding is only a correlation, and cannot on its own show that racial diversity improves learning.
Enhancing the motivation of African American students: An achievement goal theory perspective Journal of Negro Education, The - Find Articles
Studies suggest that schools which emphasize task goals-the engagement in academic tasks for the purpose of learning and improving-are more conducive to Black students' academic success and well-being than are those that emphasize ego goals-engagement for the purpose of excelling and besting others.