JOLT - Defining Tools for a New Learning Space: Writing and Reading Class Blogs
Examines blogs as learning tools for creating a "community of discourse." This article focuses more on the role of the facilitator in shaping the learning community than on the instructional design of assignments using blogs. There's some interesting ideas about evaluating success and determining whether students are reading blog posts beyond just how much commenting happens.
'Socializing' the CMS
The traditional CMS/LMS is designed for a more instructor-centered course, so the pedagogy of these courses reflects the technology. This article skims the surface of what might be possible if social networking tools, blogs, wikis, and more were used to construct courses and give students more control. What would that do to the pedagogy?
Tool for liveblogging that is actually live--it works like typing an instant message. The app sits in an iframe, which means it can't be embedded in Wordpress or Edublogs, but it does work in a wiki. Also allows for reader comments--could be interesting for doing an interview or discussion and recording it for others to view.
Sending Your Courses into the Blogosphere: An Introduction for “Old People”
An instructor explains how blogs improved the student ownership and depth of discussions over what they experienced with asynchronous discussion boards. Also includes how blog posts were managed and assessed for the course.
How might faculty members use blogs to help their students reach particular learning goals? I use blogs to accomplish two goals in my courses: to facilitate serious communication and cooperation between students on course–related topics and tasks, and to generate efficient and meaningful class discussions.
The difference with blogs, and it is an important difference, is that students take possession of the class blog in ways they never did with these other products.