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Mighty | Maestro
Mighty | Maestro
Mighty is a paid Chrome extension for adding additional functionality when building Rise courses. This includes visual customization like fonts, lists, button styles as well as some new blocks like an open reflection block. This is currently in beta, and the price is high enough that I think it only makes sense for people who do a significant amount of work in Rise. Still, it's an interesting possibility if you need those specific functions. h/t Karin Rex
Mighty | Maestro
Hack: How to Add Custom Characters to Scenario Blocks - Overview
Hack: How to Add Custom Characters to Scenario Blocks - Overview
While the Rise scenario block doesn't have a way to add your own customer characters, you can use this trick from Tom Kuhlmann. It's a bit of a kludge, but you can swap out the images in the published file. The image file names aren't obvious, but Tom shows how he uses PPT to keep track of which label goes with each image.
Hack: How to Add Custom Characters to Scenario Blocks - Overview
How to Share Your E-learning Course for Free With Google Drive - E-Learning Heroes
How to Share Your E-learning Course for Free With Google Drive - E-Learning Heroes
Step by step directions on sharing Articulate courses in Google Drive. This would be great for a portfolio. I haven't tested it, but the directions probably work for Captivate or other tools as well. An alternate (slightly simpler) set of directions for getting the hosting URL are here:
How to Share Your E-learning Course for Free With Google Drive - E-Learning Heroes
Freelance Heroes - E-Learning Heroes
Freelance Heroes - E-Learning Heroes
Discussion for Articulate freelancers with lots of shared tips and resources. Questions for potential clients, things to include in a terms of service agreement, when and how to say no to clients, managing risk, etc.
Freelance Heroes - E-Learning Heroes