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What is learning experience design? - Learning Experience Design
What is learning experience design? - Learning Experience Design
Niels Floor has updated his definition of learning experience design (LXD) to reflect the evolution of the field.
Learning experience design (LX design or LXD) is the process of creating learning experiences that enable the learner to achieve the desired learning outcome in a human centered and goal oriented way. <br> - Niels Floor
Focusing on the whole experience, requires a more holistic design approach. For example, emotion plays a vital part in how we experience things. We all have memories that are strong because of how they made you feel. In education there tends to be a clear emphasis on cognition while emotion is hardly part of the conversation. In LXD emotion is carefully considered. Designing for emotion and cognition is key to creating a powerful learning experience.
Learning experience design is not a science. While learning science can support your design decisions, most insights into the quality and effectiveness of your design come from developing and testing prototypes.
This focus on the learner also applies to the learning outcome. In the definition of LXD at the start of this article a “desired learning outcome” is mentioned. A learning outcome is desirable when it is relevant, meaningful, and valuable to the learner.
The logical thing is to start with formulating the desired learning outcome. Every step that follows in the design process, including the choice in technology, should be geared towards reaching that outcome.
What is learning experience design? - Learning Experience Design
Elements of Learning Experience Design | by Andre Plaut | Medium
Elements of Learning Experience Design | by Andre Plaut | Medium
This is a model for LXD based on a model of User Experience. The 5 elements are strategy, requirements, structure, interaction, and sensory. In practice, I don't think these elements are really separate (interaction and sensory in particular have a lot of overlap and have to be designed together), but I appreciate the model for extending beyond the traditional instructional design focus.
Ultimately, adult learners and their organizations expect learning experiences to establish behaviors that make their lives or work more efficient and effective.
Elements of Learning Experience Design | by Andre Plaut | Medium
Learning experience design is NOT a new name for instructional design. | LinkedIn
Learning experience design is NOT a new name for instructional design. | LinkedIn
Niels Flor compares what he sees as the differences between instructional design and learning experience design. I don't agree with 100% of this; I think his definition of ID is too narrow. The review of the history and differences in evolution is helpful in understanding the alternative perspective though.
<p><strong>“Instructional design</strong> is creating instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing.” (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Wikipedia</a>)</p> <p><strong>“Learning experience design</strong> is the process of creating learning experience that enable the learner to achieve the desired learning outcome in a human centered and goal-oriented way.” </p>
Instructional designers are taught to work within this system using a <strong>systematic and rule-based approach</strong>. Their expertise is choosing the right technology for content delivery and method of transfer.
It is rooted in a variety of design disciplines like interaction design, user experience design, game design and graphic design. A learning experience designer combines these design skills, tools and methods with theoretical and practical expertise about learning. LX designers use their <strong>creative freedom to explore and design</strong> different kinds of learning experiences.
Learning experience design is NOT a new name for instructional design. | LinkedIn