Found 46 bookmarks
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Tool to analyze forum conversations in an LMS, create network diagrams, and identify behavior patterns.
SNAPP uses information on who posted and replied to whom, and what major discussions were about, and how expansive they were, to analyse the interactions of a forum and display it in a Social Network Diagram.
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Social Collider
Social Collider
Visualize connections in conversations on Twitter. Search for a user, tag, or trends. Tweets that generate conversation appear as spirals as they bounce around between people, so perhaps someone with lots of spirals would be someone who generates lots of conversation rather than just talking at people.
Social Collider
Create a timeline by adding each event manually or by adding a source (Flickr, RSS, twitter, etc.) Images, music, and video can be included in events. Related services include Tickr, which lets you create a dynamic timeline with Flickr images based on search criteria, and TimeTube, which does the same for YouTube. Some people are playing with this as a way to visualize the river of information from the Connectivism course (CCK08) this fall.
Trendpedia - blog trend search
Trendpedia - blog trend search
Graphs the number of blog posts over time which include a search term or phrase. Works even for terms with low numbers of actual posts (e.g., edupunk). You can compare the trends for up to 3 terms at a time.
Trendpedia - blog trend search
Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds
Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds
Create tag clouds from plain text or delicious bookmark tags. Includes options to change the font, layout, and colors so you can make more interesting tag clouds than the typical options.
Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds
UCSC Wiki Lab - WikiLab - The UCSC Wiki Lab
UCSC Wiki Lab - WikiLab - The UCSC Wiki Lab
<p>We compute the reputation of Wikipedia authors according to how long their contributions last in the Wikipedia. Specifically, authors whose contributions are preserved, or built-upon, gain reputation; authors whose contributions are undone lose reputation. </p> <p>We call this a <em>content-driven</em> reputation, since the reputation is computed automatically via text analysis. This contrasts with other reputation systems, such as those in use at <a class="external" href=""><img src="" alt="[WWW]" height="11" width="11"> Ebay</a>, where buyer and seller reputations are computed on the basis of user-provided ratings.</p>
UCSC Wiki Lab - WikiLab - The UCSC Wiki Lab