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Multimedia Serves Youths' Desire to Express Themselves | Edutopia
Multimedia Serves Youths' Desire to Express Themselves | Edutopia
High school students in California find their voice through multimedia and learn to make a difference through what they create and share
"Media is the language of kids," Torres adds, saying that students who may not take to learning by reading a textbook or listening to a lecture often jump at the chance to understand complex concepts by presenting finished products in the form of a film or a Web documentary or a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
Multimedia Serves Youths' Desire to Express Themselves | Edutopia
The Educational Remix- At Odds With Copyright? | nashworld
The Educational Remix- At Odds With Copyright? | nashworld
Interesting use of Animoto (which creates music videos from a collection of images) with text to create a presentation about the author of a book. Includes a description of how the presentation was created. This does raise some questions of copyright though. Does this count as a sufficiently transformative use of the song to be included here? I'm not 100% convinced; I probably would have found something from Magnatune or elsewhere that was CC-licensed.
The Educational Remix- At Odds With Copyright? | nashworld
Ajax Animator Open Source Flash
Ajax Animator Open Source Flash
Web-based open source application for creating animations. Allows for the creation of multiple layers and uses a timeline. Not much documentation or support since it's early in development, but looks like it's worth playing with if you don't have the budget for Flash and do have some time.
Ajax Animator Open Source Flash
KinderKidsDraw! | always learning
KinderKidsDraw! | always learning
Great kindergarten technology project by Kim Cofino. Students use KidPix to draw about what they're learning in class, then upload the images to VoiceThread and explain the image. Over the course of the year, the VoiceThread becomes an online portfolio of their learning. The VoiceThreads are also shared on a wiki so students can connect globally and get to know each other a bit.
KinderKidsDraw! | always learning
High Tech in Hawaii: The Real-World Relevance of Technology | Edutopia
High Tech in Hawaii: The Real-World Relevance of Technology | Edutopia
Profile of a Hawaiian school using technology and project-based learning to engage students and give them 21st century skills.
"What the animation does is it assists the children in visualizing the action," explains Mitchell, who teaches <a class="external-link" href="" target="_blank">language arts enrichment classes</a>. "The animation is a way of them developing the picture so they relate that to the writing, to what they hear, what they see, what they feel." Technology, she adds, "gives you one more way of teaching something."
"Looking for real-world relevance has to do with students being interested in what they do, knowing that it's useful outside of school," says Kaninau. "The experiences are not contrived or in isolation, but they're a part of a larger learning activity. Without those connections, it won't be meaningful, and it'll be forgotten tomorrow."
"They love it," says sixth-grade teacher Geraldine Kajitani. "If you start with ... hands-on activities and things that are fun, their attention is focused." And once that happens, she says, it's a snap to get them to study some of the drier material because they'll relate to it and remember it.
High Tech in Hawaii: The Real-World Relevance of Technology | Edutopia
VoiceThreads: Extending the Classroom with Interactive Multimedia Albums | Edutopia
VoiceThreads: Extending the Classroom with Interactive Multimedia Albums | Edutopia
Using VoiceThread as an asynchronous multimedia discussion with sixth graders with great results and conversations from students.
In his inaugural attempt using the application, Ferriter posted VoiceThreads about a variety of topics online, encouraging students to comment on them voluntarily on their own time. He got dozens -- even hundreds -- of comments on each. It was a revelation. "I can basically extend my classroom," he says.
Ferriter says more students participate more actively in digital discussions than in the classroom. "You don't have to be the loud one or the popular one," he points out. When he asked his students about their online involvement, he said they cited the sense of safety: "They can think about their comments beforehand." They also liked the fact that any VoiceThread has multiple conversations going on at once. "In a classroom conversation, there's generally one strand of conversation going at any one time, and if you're bored by that particular strand, you're completely disengaged," says Ferriter.
Ferriter says more students participate more actively in digital discussions than in the classroom. "You don't have to be the loud one or the popular one," he points out. When he asked his students about their online involvement, he said they cited the sense of safety: "They can think about their comments beforehand."
VoiceThreads: Extending the Classroom with Interactive Multimedia Albums | Edutopia
Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?
Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?
A challenge to the coherence principle: the idea that all information in multimedia learning should be essential, and nothing should be added simply for interest. This research found that in an authentic learning setting that performance was the same whether learners had only the essentials or had additional interesting information, directly contradicting Clark & Mayer's work.
Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
Research on how effective use of multimedia can improve learning outcomes. Based on research by Mayer, Moreno, Clark, & others. Much of this is in e-Learning and the Science of Instruction, but some of these principles, especially on interactivity, aren't included in that book. (Quotes from page 4)
Direct Manipulation Principle: As the complexity of the materials increases, the impact of direct manipulation (animation, pacing) of the learning materials on the transfer of knowledge also increases.
However, when the average student is engaged in higher-order thinking using multimedia in interactive situations, on average, that student's percentage ranking on higher-order or transfer skills increases by 32 percentile points over what the student would have accomplished with traditional learning.
Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Research on teachers doing both face-to-face and online teaching. 75% of the teachers said that teaching online improved their face-to-face teaching. Course design and communication changes were most common, but some teachers also added multimedia.
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
WebSlides - Transforms Bookmarks Once Again
WebSlides - Transforms Bookmarks Once Again
<li>Create guided tours of websites</li> <li>Display a list of houses or other products to clients</li> <li>Bundle education resources or research data </li> <li>Make shows of favorite places when visiting or traveling</li> <li>Create briefings or tutorials and tours on virtually any subject</li> <li>Present a whole series of news stories on a topic to digg or and others for scrutiny </li> <li>Interactively submit "collections" of stories and data</li>
WebSlides - Transforms Bookmarks Once Again