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Teachers’ salaries
Teachers’ salaries
Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2005. Global comparison of teacher salaries and relative income across countries.
Teachers’ salaries
99designs » Ready-made Design
99designs » Ready-made Design
Starting a small business and need a logo? These are $99, $199 if you want exclusive rights. Interesting concept, and I could see this being very helpful if you're self-employed but want a professional image.
99designs » Ready-made Design
Electronic Papyrus » Blog Archive » Is it real or is it telepresence?
Electronic Papyrus » Blog Archive » Is it real or is it telepresence?
General thoughts on telepresence for online collaboration and learning
But through a combination of HD technology, interface design, and careful attention to room geometry, these telepresence systems are on the verge of erasing the physical and psychological distance between participants in online collaboration and learning.
Electronic Papyrus » Blog Archive » Is it real or is it telepresence?
PureText Home Page
PureText Home Page
Free tool to strip formatting when copying and pasting text, without having to go through Notepad first
PureText Home Page
Computers are dumb – make smarter e-Learning « The Usable Learning Blog
Computers are dumb – make smarter e-Learning « The Usable Learning Blog
Strategies for designing e-learning that lets learning be messy, more like the real world
<p>Basically, the revelation that I had was — <strong><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">I like right answers</span></strong>. &nbsp;I really like tidy right answers. &nbsp;I usually don’t ask learners questions that I don’t have a “right” answer or answers for. Even when the task is “authentic” and “embedded in context” I want there to be a right answer. &nbsp;And this <strong><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">is </span></strong><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);"><strong>wrong</strong></span>.</p> <p>Because what Dan Myer is teaching his students is how to approach problems that don’t have right answers, which is the way that most of the problems in the real world work. &nbsp;His students are learning to be okay with that, and how to ask good questions, and how approach those problems.</p>
Computers are dumb – make smarter e-Learning « The Usable Learning Blog
Fair Use Evaluator
Fair Use Evaluator
Step by step method to guide people through the process of determining whether a use constitutes fair use under US copyright law. You can create a time-stamped PDF documenting your analysis in case you ever need to support your claim.
Fair Use Evaluator