Top News - Panelists: Online learning can help minority students
Advantages for online learning at the K-12 level to help disadvantaged students. In spite of the title, this is about more than just racial issues.
In fact, Jackson said, out of all the high schools in Illinois that implement online learning, a predominantly Hispanic high school has the highest online learning pass rate. This school has managed to recover dropouts and has encouraged parents raising children and/or working full-time to enroll as well.
<div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;">“Online learning isn’t just some remedial course we’re giving to minority or disadvantaged kids,” said Rose. “It’s a high-quality education that’s helping to meet individual student needs.”</div>
<div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"> </div>
<div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;">Jackson argued that sometimes online courses are even more rigorous than traditional courses, because they are more interactive, require technology literacy, and provide a host of online resources for a student to take advantage of.</div>
ASCD: Whose Problem Is Poverty?
Educational Leadership article arguing that closing the achievement gap requires a combination of both improved education and improved socionomic conditions. The article lists a number of health issues for low-income children that can affect student achievement.
Are Schools Inhibiting 21st Century Learning? : April 2008 : THE Journal
Survey results on attitudes towards technology in education, including games.
<p>According to the survey, the majority of middle and high school students (51 percent of students in grades 6 through 12) indicated that "games make it easier to understand difficult concepts. Forty-six percent said they'd learn more about a subject if information were presented in a game format; 44 percent said gaming "would make it more interesting to practice problems"; and about a third said that "the use of games in schools will help them learn how to work in teams and see the direct results of their problem solving activities."</p>
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<p>Teachers were apparently even more enthusiastic about gaming, as 65 percent indicated that they thought educational gaming would be an effective tool for students with different learning styles and would help engage students in coursework. More than half said they'd like to learn more about educational gaming, and some 46 percent said they would "like to receive specific professional development on how to effectively integrate gaming technologies into curriculum," according to the survey.</p>
<p>According to the survey, the majority of middle and high school students (51 percent of students in grades 6 through 12) indicated that "games make it easier to understand difficult concepts. Forty-six percent said they'd learn more about a subject if information were presented in a game format; 44 percent said gaming "would make it more interesting to practice problems"; and about a third said that "the use of games in schools will help them learn how to work in teams and see the direct results of their problem solving activities."</p>
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<p>Teachers were apparently even more enthusiastic about gaming, as 65 percent indicated that they thought educational gaming would be an effective tool for students with different learning styles and would help engage students in coursework. More than half said they'd like to learn more about educational gaming, and some 46 percent said they would "like to receive specific professional development on how to effectively integrate gaming technologies into curriculum," according to the survey.</p>
Wikispaces Blog » Blog Archive » A Classroom Wiki Webquest
7th & 8th grade wiki on rock history, where students researched and presented information on the wiki. The instructor also acknowledges learning a lot from her students on using Photobucket and other tools in combination with the wiki.
Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog - Blue Skunk Blog - Changing how we teach copyright Pt 2
Part 2 in a series on teaching copyright in a different way. This post argues that educators should be more willing and able to assume that their use is allowed, rather than always assuming it's forbidden if it's a gray area.
Place the onus of proof of wrong doing on the provider, not the proof of fair use by the user.
Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog - Blue Skunk Blog - Changing how we teach copyright Pt 1
The first part in a series on a new approach to teaching copyright, starting with a focus on what is allowed by Fair Use
<span class="sizeGreater20">Change the focus of copyright instruction from what is forbidden to what is permitted. </span>
University of Houston Study: Hybrid Courses More Effective for Students
Research comparing traditional and hybrid methods of teaching a college course. Students in the hybrid course with access to materials online scored 10% higher in the course.
A technical report from a University of Houston <a target="_blank" href="">Department of Health and Human Performance</a> researcher finds that students in a hybrid class that incorporated instructional technology with in-class lectures scored a letter grade higher on average than their counterparts who took the same class in a more traditional format.
TeacherTube - How to create a great PowerPoint without breaking the law.
45 minute presentation from the eTech Ohio 2008 conference by Alvin Trusty. Half of the presentation is about creating good presentations, half about copyright law in education. Touches on color, contrast, font, and more.
Streamline It Part I: Diigo or Bust : Metanoia
Side-by-side comparison of Diigo,, and Zotero from someone who was using all of them but decided to switch to just Diigo. While admitting that this is the right personal choice, he's not convinced about whether it's the right choice for schools to introduce social bookmarking.
eLearn: In Depth Tutorials - Designing and Developing E-learning Projects: A Three-Tiered Approach
Breaks e-learning development into three categories according to complexity: bronze, silver, and platinum. Bronze projects are simple tasks like revisions that can often be done with rapid development. Silver projects might be converting face-to-face content to online or compliance training. Platinum projects are high-impact, resource-intensive projects, including academic courses.