The Ed Techie: The VLE/LMS is dead
'Socializing' the CMS
The traditional CMS/LMS is designed for a more instructor-centered course, so the pedagogy of these courses reflects the technology. This article skims the surface of what might be possible if social networking tools, blogs, wikis, and more were used to construct courses and give students more control. What would that do to the pedagogy?
Interaction Equivalency in Self-Paced Online Learning Environments: An Exploration of Learner Preferences
Case study examining what types of interactions (student-teacher, student-student, student-content) students found most valuable in an instructor-led self-paced online course.
21st Century Teaching and Learning: Learning in the Social Web: Online Teaching and Learning 2.0
Presentation on teaching online with VoiceThread & Ning, including survey results with learner perspectives on how these tools helped create a sense of community